In order to improve teaching quality, colleges and universities should increase professors’ salary. Do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, the decline of teaching quality has worried the public a lot. Some people suggest that the government should increase salary for professors in college and universities as incentives to improve teaching quality. From my perspective, this is an effective way to make the teaching staff willing to devote to their teaching. I feel this way for two major reasons.
根据OG,评分人员评估考生作文的质量,即评估考生如何展开论点,组织文章结构。所以考生要学会用包括事例、细节、理由等在内的各种方式来支持文章的观点。我的主体段落通常采用总-分-总的思路去写。主体段落第一句必须是观点清楚的主题句,这个段落必须围绕主题句的controlling idea来展开,否则就会出现不切题的可能。论点的展开我通常会用到的写作手法有原因分析法,后果延伸法,反面假设法或正反对比法以及举例论证法,最后以归纳总结作为整个段落的结束。运用这些方法写出的文章自然逻辑性强,组织严密,能很好地为主题服务。以赞同在公共场合禁烟为例,我的主体段落展开如下:
Firstly, smoking is detrimental to the health of smokers and people around them. It is because tobacco contains many harmful even poisonous substances such as tar and nicotine, which can give rise to many respiratory diseases, say lung cancer. If smoking is prohibited in public places, people do not need to worry about these terrible diseases. A typical example of this is mu uncle, mu mother’s younger brother, who used to smoke many cigarettes a day, and later he was found to be sick with lung cancer. He had to accept an operation to cut off part of his lung. What’ more, he had to suffer from the subsequent chemical treatment. Thus, for the health of smokers and people around, smoking must be banned in public places.
很多考生在前文纠结时间太好,以至于最后没有时间去结尾。没有结尾的文章结构是不完整的。结尾可以从单个方面入手:concluding phrase, restatement of your standpoint and summary of your ideas. 从这三个方面入手,考生的构思好文章开头后就可以很快地敲定文章的结尾。希望上述我在教学中的心得体会能对更多的考生提供帮助,愿大家早日考出理想的分数和申请到自己理想的学校。