For instance, when I was in high school, I always ate in the restaurant because I didn’t have enough time to cook at home. At that time, I was crazy for hamburger and ice-cream. Unfortunately, I put on weight fast and I became a fat girl. After then, I realized I should change my eating habit, so I began to save time for cooking and no longer went to restaurant. Three months later, I successfully lost weight.
这是一个没有语病,条理清晰,叙事完整的例子,也能够支持自己在家做饭更健康这一论点。那么问题在哪儿呢?大家有没有发现,在这个例子中,所有句子的主语都是“I"。除此之外,作者用到的句型是很单调的,大部分都是带有状语从句的句式结构。而在托福写作的评分标准中,原始分的区间是0-5分,其中3分对应的评语里,有一条“May display accurate but limited range of syntactic structure and vocabulary”即准确、但有限的句型结构和词汇。这也就意味着用上面这个例子就很难拿到20分以上的分值了。那句式结构多样化的例子长什么样呢?我们来看看上面这个例子的一个改写版本:
Take my experience in high school as an instance. Frequently, I dined out with friends in restaurants near school, which helped us save much time from cooking for studies and social activities. However, as the food served in restaurants, such as hamburger and ice-cream, was high in calories, I put on weight fast. The increasing weight warned me off fast food and encouraged me to cook at home. Since then, the homemade food enables me to keep fit.
在这段改写中,增添了“which”引导的定语从句,插入语举例子“such as”,转折副词“however”等,而且以“I”作为主语的句子减少到了两个。这样一来我们就达到了独立写作评分标准中,最高原始分5分的标准之一——demonstrating syntactic variety即句式多样化。既然明确了问题所在和目标,我们再来探讨一下解决方案。
形式主语 ✔
There be…✔
定语从句 ✔
各类状语从句 (时间,地点,原因,目的,结果,条件,让步等)✔
强调句 ✔
not only, but also ✔
副词和介词短语 ✔
分词做状语 ✔
主语从句 ✔
非谓语 ✔