教程:托福写作  浏览:215  
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      例子可以使我们想要表达的观点或者要阐述的概念更加生动形象,以使得观点更加地具有说服力。而且针对托福写作来讲,考官比较青睐例证比较好的文章。一般来讲,在托福的独立写作当中,我们常用的例子包括两种,一种例子是去描述特别具体的某个人或者某一件事情,这种例子一般比较适合与我们的生活,工作和学习紧密相关的话题。比如“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Keeping old friends is more important than making new friends.”;第二种例子就是假设一个一般化的例子,通过假设一个场景来说明问题,而这种例子的写法一般比较适合话题比较大的一些话题,比如“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Land needs to be used to meet human need rather than to protect endangered animals.”今天我们就来展示怎样把这两种例子写好。


      Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The students in university should not do any part-time jobs.

      Position: Disagree

      Reason: Doing part-time jobs can intensify our social ability.

      Exemplification: Take myself for example. When I was a fresh man,I found it really hard to get along with people around me. Then I was advised to take a job as a waiter in the restaurant during which I had chances to communicate with different customers, making them satisfied with my “smile” service. After a year, I myself can realize that I have become more outgoing and understanding.





      假设性的例子有两点好处。其一就是别人不会怀疑我们写的这个例子的真实性,二就是假设性的例子其实是analytic example,这种伴随着分析的例子其实要更符合托福独立写作的风格,更能够体现一个学生的分析能力与水平,毕竟议论文的特点就是分析和证明。

      Topic:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Land needs to be used to meet human need rather than to protect endangered animals.

      Position:Protect endangered animals

      Reason: Another important reason to protect endangered animals is that the delicate ecological balance of an area might be irreparably harmed by their extinction.

      Exemplification: For example, if humans chop down forests and use the land to grow corn, they might simultaneously destroy the habitats of a kind of bird that eats locusts. The next year because the locust population can grow unchecked, locusts might destroy the entire nearby corn crop. Not only do the birds lose their homes, but humans are also harmed. The ecological balance of many natural habitats is still not well understood and humans interfere in it at their peril.


      上一篇:托福写作高分必备的五点 下一篇:托福写作备考技巧全解析


