大家都喜欢举Martin Luther King的例子,难道这位refused to betreated as a second-class human being and give her seat on a bus to a white man最终导致了最高法院裁决公交上实行种族隔离违宪的黑人阿姨不值得我们尊敬么?
2005年Rosa Parks以92岁高龄去世,Pat在Arizona看电视上播放这个消息的时候心中一凛:不走寻常路,造就女英雄……
Randy Pausch
Carnegie Mellon professor, the last lecture, great sense of humor, an inspiration to millions
幽默的教师vs. 严肃的教师
Ronald Reagan
"the most successful actor in the American history", served two terms as President of the U.S.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
the leading voice in the American intellectual culture, dreamed about helping to free slaves, abolitionist "
To be great is to be misunderstood."个人开心是否比责任更重要
Samuel Adams
a total failure at business, helped organize the Sons of Liberty, the Boston Tea Part, the minuteman
Sergey Brin
"Knowledge is always good, and certainly always better than ignorance."/ Google/ access to information
Steve Jobs(可以不知道美国副总统是谁,但是决不能不知道他是谁)
creativity, marketing prowess(造诣)
Steven Spielberg
a science fiction fan when he was little
Theodore Dreiser
An American Tragedy, based on a real-life criminal case
Thomas Jefferson
cut off all U.S. trade with foreign countries to stop the British and French raids on American ships/ seriously damaged the American economy
Thomas Paine
"These are the times that try men's souls."/the American Revolutionary cause/ Common Sense/ signed over all the royalties (版税)to Congress