教程:托福写作  浏览:196  
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      关于gap year

      题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should spend at least one year working or traveling before they go to the university.

      这个题目拿到手并不难,很多中国孩子甚至暗自欣喜,因为可以说大话了,首先,赞同的占了绝大多数,比如:旅游可以broaden horizon,have a relaxation因为平时的学习实在太辛苦了,生活也太无聊了,感觉中国孩子一直处于水深火热之中,急需要gap year来拯救,而谈到工作的好处,那也是一堆一堆的漂亮话,比如: cultivate communicational skills,teamwork spirit,leadership 等,让具体说说怎么个培养这些技能了,又觉得思路拓展不开了。

      当然,还有不少一部分考生还会信誓旦旦的说自己从此就能找到挚爱的专业了,大学的指明灯从此亮起,感觉之前的十多年都白活了,gap year重要到不能没有。 当然也有较少一部分同学是反对的,大部分理由都是觉得gap了这一年,之前学的东西就容易忘记,走入社会就不想学习云云。

      以上大家写的如此雷同,枯燥,幼稚的原因又在哪里?因为我们中国孩子确实没有像样的gap year,因此必然很难写出有道理深入人心的东西,那么我们就来普及一下这个话题的背景。

      大家可能不清楚,gap year在国外确实很流行,以至于很多网站专门从事gap year的中介。

      先做介绍:Sandwiched between China and India, Nepal is at a crossroads of cultures and religions. Over 50 festivals are year are held in this enchanting country that you will be calling home for 5, 7 or 10 weeks.(在中国和印度之间, 尼泊尔正处于文化和宗教的十字路口。50多个节日是在这个迷人的国家举行, 你将在未来的 5, 7 或10周把它作为你的家)

      然后说你为啥要去做志愿者:Despite this, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia, and many of the population lack access to basic resources. This was worsened after the 2015 earthquake which devastated rural communities. These factors heighten the need for your help in the country.(尽管如此, 尼泊尔是亚洲第二贫穷国家, 许多人口无法获得基本资源。这在2015地震摧毁了农村社区之后更加恶化。这些因素增加了你在这个国家的帮助的需要)

      下面是你要做什么:What will I be doing?

      A Raleigh expedition is a unique volunteering opportunity for 17 to 24 year olds. On a Raleigh expedition in Nepal, you will work on community projects and an exhilarating adventure trek.(Raleigh远征是一个对于17至24岁的人来说独特的志愿服务机会。在尼泊尔的罗利探险, 你将致力于社区项目和令人振奋的冒险跋涉)

      重点来了,具体事例,有血有肉有意义: Community: You will be working in rural communities devastated by the 2015 earthquake. You and your team will be working on a water and sanitation project. This could involve rebuilding infrastructure or talking to people about important sanitation issues. (社区: 你将在2015地震摧毁的农村社区工作。你和你的团队将致力于水和卫生项目。这可能涉及重建基础设施或与人们谈论重要的环境卫生问题。)

      看看别人的旅游是啥,怎么培养技能?Adventure: Experience the ultimate adventure trek! For 19 days, you and your team will be trekking up to 12km a day, camping out every night and learning about the communities you pass by. You will be camping in the foothills of the Himalayas – some of the most exciting mountain ranges in the world. Everyone will get the opportunity to lead the group for the day developing your teamwork and leadership skills.( 探险: 体验终极探险迷航!19天后, 你和你的团队将每天徒步 12km, 每天晚上露营, 了解你经过的社区。你将在喜马拉雅山脚下露营--世界上一些最激动人心的山脉。每个人都将有机会带领团队的一天, 发展你的团队精神和领导能力。)

      Why Raleigh?

      可以写作时候借鉴加抄袭了: On expedition you’ll make friends from around the world and develop skills for life. Raleigh International is a sustainable development charity with over 30 years’ experience. You’ll be joining a community of over 40,000 people who have volunteered with us before so you can be sure you’ll be in safe hands.(在探险中, 你将结交来自世界各地的朋友, 培养生活技能。Raleigh国际是一个具有30年经验的可持续发展慈善机构。你将加入一个4万多人的社区, 他们曾经自愿和我们在一起, 这样你就可以确保你的安全。)

      “To know that we’ve made such a lasting difference to thousands of lives and generations to come will stay with me in my heart forever.” Freya – volunteered in Nepal("要知道, 我们已经对成千上万的生命和世代产生了如此持久的影响, 将永远与我在我的心中。志愿者freya说)

      上一篇:托福写作五步拿到高分 下一篇:托福写作怎样利用范文来备考


