例1:她按时到校上学。动态句:She attends school regularly.静态句:Her attendance at school is regular.例2:他拥有一所房子。动态句:He possesses a house.静态句:He is in possession of a house.技巧小结:中文习惯动词占优势,但是英语里面静态词汇(名词、介词、副词、形容词等)占优势。所以在写作时同学们应该考虑英语句子静态特征的表达。
例3:她的朴素衣着使他显得更美。具体句:Her simple dress adds to her beauty.抽象句:The simplicity of her dress adds to her beauty.例4:温暖的房间使我昏昏欲睡。具体句:The warm room made me sleepy.抽象句:The warmth of the room made me sleepy.技巧小结:中文表达重具体,英文表达重抽象。
例5: 我永远忘不了这个教训。人称主语:I will never forget the lesson.物称主语:The lesson will be rooted in my memory forever.例6: 不同的团队成员对工作有不同的态度。人称主语:Different team members have different attitudes towards work.物称主语:Attitudes towards work vary from person to person.技巧小结:英语主语常用人称和物称两种形式表达。物称主语注重“什么事发生在什么人身上”,人称主语侧重“什么人怎么样”。
It is / was + 被强调的某个句子成分+ that / who + 句子。强调句型可以用来强调句子中除了谓语之外的成分,起到比较明显的加强语气的作用,比如:I went to the Palace Museum in 1997.这个句子如果强调时间,就可以变为:It was in 1997 that I went to the Palace Museum.如果直接运用,句子也没有显得特别出彩,如果同学们可以用强调句型和其它从句一起使用,就会起来比较好提升作用:比如我们探讨“人口老龄化”的问题,想表达“老龄化日益严重的问题让全球的政府都很担扰”,可以写为:It is the fact that the population aging problem is getting more and more prevalent that makes all the governments concern all over the world.上面句子里面的the population aging problem is getting more and more prevalent是fact的同位语从句。