1.a rule of thumb 经验之谈
很多人都知道运动的时候要补充一定的水分,以免造成脱水(dehydration),不过很少有人知道的是(It is much less well known that)喝过多的水所造成的水过量(overhydration)对人同样有害。因为人体在运动过程中所产生的汗液不但含有水更含有纳(sodium),而此时摄入的过量水会稀释(dilute)人体血液中的纳,使其含量进一步降低。血液中纳含量过低会引发低纳血症(trigger hyponatraemia),而低纳血症的早期症状(early symptoms of hyponatraemia)就是手脚上的小肌肉群抽筋,如果情况进一步恶化下去甚至会诱发猝死(sudden death)。那么运动时到底喝多少水才合适呢?经验之谈就是(a rule of thumb is that)差不多一个小时补充半升水就足够了。
2.in proportion to 与…比例一致
不少人都有的一个错误认知(misperception)是在剧烈运动(intense exercise)时,男性流汗量远多于女性,而女性几乎不怎么流汗。在操场上,人们似乎很容易见到汗如雨下的男性,却很少看到同样汗如雨下的女性。而事实上,女性在运动时的出汗量与其体重的比例与和男性的不相上下(Women sweat while exercising, broadly the same amount as men in proportion to body weight)。
3.keep sth topped up 使某物保持最佳状态
其实最好的做法是在运动之前就摄入充足的水分(be fully hydrated),使身体保持最佳状态(to keep the body topped up),这样可以很好地防止在运动时发生脱水的状况。当然,摄入足量的水分即可,不要摄入过多以免产生饱胀感(to avoid a bloated feeling)。同样,在跑步过程中还可以通过往身上洒水来调节体温(to regulate the body temperature by splashing water over you)。
迷你马拉松 mini marathon
肌肉抽筋 muscle cramp
快崩溃了 nearly crashed
回想 recall/recollect/look back upon
身体素质相当 in equivalent physical condition
准备活动 warming-up exercise
生龙活虎 be full of vigour/glow with energy
一开始手脚抽筋,紧接着又腿抽筋 firstly have cramps of the small muscles in hands and feet, and then followed by leg cramp
喝了太多的水 water intake is too much
不合理 not make sense
脱水 dehydration
很少有人知道的是 It is much less well known that
钠 sodium
稀释 dilute
早期症状 early symptoms of sth
猝死 sudden death
经验之谈 a rule of thumb
错误认知 misperception
剧烈运动 intense exercise
女性在运动时的出汗量与其体重的比例和男性的不相上下 Women sweat while exercising, broadly the same amount as men in proportion to body weight
使某物保持最佳状态 keep sth. topped up
饱胀感 a bloated feeling
通过往身上洒水来调节体温 to regulate the body temperature by splashing water over you