亲情 family bonds/ family ties
家庭观念 family values
增强,加固 vt. strengthen/ reinforce
配偶 n. spouse
家里的孩子 n. offspring
兄弟姐妹 n. sibling(s)
兄弟姐妹间的互相竞争 n. sibling rivalry
表兄弟/姐妹 n. cousin
家务事 household chores
相互的支持与谅解 n. give-and-take
性格冲突 personality clash
家庭用品,特别常指家电 household appliances
被……所拖累 be tied down by
代沟 generation gap
家人 one’s immediate family
亲戚 one’s relatives
只有父母和孩子一起住的小家庭 nuclear family
一大家子人 extended family
社区 n. neighborhood
依恋 attachment to …/ affinity for…
对……的依恋 an attachment to sth./ an affinity for sth.
传家宝 family heirloom
家庭团聚 family reunion
血浓于水。 Blood is thicker than water.
归属感 a sense of belonging
单亲家庭 single-parent households
虐待 v. mistreat violence
家庭暴力 domestic violence
上瘾 addiction to drugs/ be addicted to drugs
和谐 n. harmony