1. Government should be responsible for the tuition fee of university students. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
个人:For those students who are with great intelligence but from poor families, government surely should be responsible for their tuition fee and provide them opportunities to go to school and then release pressure for their families. 因为此题讨论的是大学生的学费,正如前面所提到的,个人的构思角度包括"个人家庭经济背景"。
社会:As we all know, economy is a master key to a country's development and it is undeniable that students who finish their education are the main force pushing forward social and economic development, for which government should encourage education for the benefits of the whole society. 既然从社会角度出发,就要试着往这方面靠拢,首先想想学生接受教育对社会的益处是什么?上文提到,社会角度包括"经济",所以政府支持教育必然对推进社会经济发展有好处。
个人:Paying tuition fee for university students can make them access to education easier, therefore, some students may lose motivation without financial pressure and will not cherish the studying opportunities. As a consequence, it is hard to guarantee the quality of university education. 个人的角度包括"学习动机",政府给大学生支付学费可能会让他们丧失学习动机,从而影响教学质量。
社会:Due to the limited financial budget, government is likely to suffer a great pressure if spending too much money on education; as a result, our government will not have extra energy to develop in other fields, such as science and technology, as well as the medical advances, which are also with great significance to society.
2. Machines can do a lot of work for human being, it can bring many benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
个人:More work can be done in a relatively shorter time, which can greatly increase the working efficiency and improve quality of life by reducing the working tense; the benefits of this trend also can ensure safety of employees as some work with great danger can rely on machines
个人角度包括个人的身体健康(人身安全)和生活方式。所以这里的论据 "减轻劳动强度"和 "增强安全程度"正是来源于此。而且Reduce the working tense之后就意味着生活将会更轻松即"改善生活方式"。
社会:The economic development speeds up due to the improvement of productivity by using machines, which never feel tired and are not dependent external factors, such as emotion and weather.
个人:Relying on machines too much may lead to lack of exercise and then cause human's healthy problems. 个人角度包含"个人的健康"问题。因此我们可以想到如果过多的依赖机器,人们就会缺乏运动从而导致健康水平下降。
社会:Some handicraft skills cannot be passed on and the traditional culture may die out since the skilled workers have been replaced by machines. Moreover, it is usually more resource consuming and causes environmental problems by using machines in the mass production.因为社会包括"传统文化",进一步我们可以想到机器工作多了必然导致人们的手工技能或者称之为传统文化将会在社会中消亡。同时,社会包括"环境问题"。机器虽然可以提高效率,但是会消耗能源或者排放一些污染环境的物质,因为会涉及到环保问题,同样属于社会的构思角度。