baby[5beIbI] n. [C]婴儿;雏鸟;幼兽:a newborn baby 新生婴儿 / a baby elephant 幼象
back[bAk] adv.回(原处);向后:Put the book back to the shelf when you’ve finished it. 书看完请放回书架上。/ They fought back. 他们还击了。adj.后面的;过期的:the back garden 后花园 / a back copy of a magazine 过期的杂志 n.1. [C]背:She was carrying the baby on her back. 她正背着婴孩。2. [C]背后,后部:a seat for servants at the back of a carriage 马车车厢后面的仆人座位v.后退:He backed the car out of the garage. 他把车倒退着开出车库。◆at a person’s back 在背后,在幕后支持:I am always at your back. 我总是支持你。/ at the back of 在后面,在背后;支持 / back and fort前后地,往返地 / back to back 背靠背 / back to front 前后颠倒 / behind sb’s back 不让某人知道,背着某人 / on one’s back 仰卧 / turn one’s back on [upon] 掉转头不理睬,背弃
backache[5bAkeIk] n.[C,U]背痛
background[5bAk^raJnd] n.[C]背景:The mountain forms the beautiful background of the scene. 这座山构成了这处风景的美丽背景。◆background information (题材、问题的)背景资料,预备知识 / background music 背景音乐,气氛音乐 / in the background 不公开的(地),在幕后
backward(s)[5bAkwEd(z)] adv.向后地;倒退地:I walked backwards down the stairs, carrying the heavy box. 我扛着重箱子,倒退着走下楼梯。◆backward(s) and forward(s) 循环往复
bacon[5beIkEn] n. [U]咸猪肉;熏猪肉:put butter on bacon 咸肉上加黄油;画蛇添足◆bring home the bacon 成功;谋生,赚钱糊口 / save one’s bacon 幸免于难,九死一生
bacterium[bAk5tIErIEm] (pl.bacteria)n. [C]细菌
bad[bAd] adj. (worse, worst) 1.坏的,有害的:not so bad 不错 / It is certainly bad for the throat. 这肯定对嗓子有害。2.不好的,拙劣的:The company’s failure was due to bad management. 公司因经营不善而破产。3. 严重的:a bad clod 重感冒 / a bad defeat 惨败◆go bad 腐败,变坏,堕落 / go from bad to worse 每况愈下 / not bad 并不太坏,蛮不错的
badly[5bAdlI] adv. (worse, worst) 1.坏地,恶劣地:I am quite badly off recently. 最近我经济上很拮据。2.非常,极度:He’s badly in need of a haircut. 他急需理发。◆be dadly off 潦倒,贫困 / be badly off for sth 需要某物,供应(某物)不足
【用法】1. badly 是形容词 bad 的副词形式,通常用来修饰动词:He did his work very badly. 他的工作做得很差。2.与 want, need, be in need of 等连用,可表示“迫切地”、“非常”:He needs money badly. / He is badly in need of money. 他急需要钱。
badminton[5bAdmIntEn] n. [U]羽毛球
bag[bA^] n. [C]书包,提包,袋子:a leather bag 皮包 / Don’t leave your bag in the car when you get out of it. 你下车时别把手提袋留在车里。◆bag and baggage 带走全部财产 / a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人或物 / be in the bag 不成问题,如探囊取物
baggage[5bA^IdV] (= luggage) n. [U]行李:A porter carried our baggage to the train. 搬运工把我们的行李送上火车。
【用法】是不可数名词,要表示“几件行李”,可借助 piece 或 article:two articles fo baggage 两件行李。
bake[beIk] v.1.烤;烘(面包):The cakes will bake very quickly. 这些饼很快就可烘好。2. 烘干,使硬:In former times, bricks were baked in the sun. 在古代,砖块是放在太阳下晒干的。
bakery[5beIkErI] n.[C]面包房,面包店:bakery products面包房产品
balance[5bAlEns] n. [U]平衡:It’s hard to achieve balance, but it’s harder to keep balance. 获得平衡难,保持平衡更难。[C]秤,天平◆hold the balance 掌握决定权 / in the balance 不能确定的,尚未决定的 / keep (lose) one’s balance 保持(失去)平衡 / on balance 考虑周全,总的来看 / strike a balance 结账,结算;取得平衡
balcony[5bAlkEnI] n. [C]阳台;楼座:You can see the sea from our balcony. 你从我们的阳台上就能看见大海。
ball[bC:l] n. 1. [C]球;球状物:a golf ball 高尔夫球 / a snow ball 雪球 2. [C]舞会:How did you enjoy the ball? 你在那个舞会上玩得开心吗?◆be on the ball 处处精明,能干/ have the ball at one’s feet 机会在眼前/ keep the ball rolling 持续不断 / play ball (球赛的)开始比赛,开球 / The ball is in your court [The ball is with you] .轮到你了。
【辨析】ball 与 dance:参见 dance。
ballet[5bAleI] n. [C,U]芭蕾舞:She has studied (the) ballet for five years. 她学芭蕾舞已 5 年了。
balloon[bE5lu:n] n. [C]气球:blow up a balloon 给气球打气 / My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it. 风吹着我的衬衫使它膨胀得像个气球一样。
ballpoint[5bC:lpCInt] (= ballpoint pen) n. [C]圆珠笔
bamboo[bAm5bu:] n. [C,U]竹,竹子:a bamboo shoots 竹笋 / a bamboo leaf竹叶
ban[bAn] n. [C]禁令;禁止:announce a ban on 宣布对…的禁令v.禁止;取缔:The authorities banned visitors form smoking in the building. 当局禁止来访者在大楼里抽烟。
banana[bE5nB:nE] n.[C]香蕉:Please peel this banana. 请剥开这只香蕉的皮。◆banana skin 造成困难或麻烦的根源
bandage[5bAndIdV] n.[C]绷带:a first-aid bandage 急救绷带vt. 用绷带包扎:The doctor bandaged up his broken ankle. 医生用绷带把他折断了的踝骨包扎起来。
bang[bAN] n. [C]砰的一声巨响:There was a bang on the street. 街上发出砰的大响声。v. 猛敲,猛撞,砰砰作响:Tell the children to stop banging about. 告诉孩子们不要到处弄出声响。
bank[bANk] n. 1.[C](河、海、湖的)岸,堤:the banks of the Yellow River 黄河两岸2. [C]银行:The major banks have announced an increase in interest rates. 几家大银行已宣布提高利率。◆break the bank 花费不起
bank account[5bANk E7kaJnt] n. [C]银行账户:I’d like to open a bank account. 我想开个存款账户。
bar[bB:(r)] n. 1. [C]条;(长方)块:a bar of soap 一块肥皂2. [C]棒,横木:an iron round bar圆铁棒 3. [C](酒店的)买酒柜台;酒吧:There are several bars in the hotel. 这个旅馆中有好几个酒吧。
barbecue[5bB:bIkju:] n.烤肉野餐
barber[5bB:bE(r)] n. [C](为男人理发的)理发师:He is a skilled barber. 他是位熟练的理发师。
【说明】barber 指专为男人理发和刮胡子的理发师,为女人做发型的理发师叫hairdresser。
barbershop[5bB:bE7FCp] n. [C]理发店
bargain[5bB:^In] n. [C](经讨价还价之后)成交的商品;廉价货:At that low price the house is a bargain. 按那样低的价钱出售,这房子是便宜的。vi.讨价还价:If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price. 如果你和他们讲价钱,他们可能会降价。◆a bad (good) bargain 吃亏的(上算的)交易 / drive a hard bargain 杀价,讲价 / in(to) the bargain 另外,此外,加之 / strike a bargain 进行交易,成交
bark[bB:k] v.吠;狗叫:Barking dogs seldom bite. (谚)吠犬不咬人。n. [C]狗叫声:The dog’s sharp bark woke up everyone in the village. 刺耳的狗叫声吵醒了村子里所有的人。◆sb’s bark is worse than his bite 虽然某人嘴很厉害,但心并不坏
barrier[5bArIE] n. 1.[C]栅栏,屏障:The police put a barrier across the road.
警察设了路障。2.[C]障碍:Language differences are often a barrier to mutual understanding. 语言不同常常阻碍到彼此的了解。
base[beIs] n.1. [C]根据地,基地:After we had reached the top of the mountain, we returned to our base camp. 到达山顶之后,我们便返回基地。2. [C]底部,根基:the base of a building 建筑物的地基 3.(棒球)垒
baseball[5beIsbC:l] n. [U]棒球(运动):Baseball is the national game of the US. 棒球运动是美国全民性的运动。
【提醒】在球类运动的名词前不用冠词:play basketball 打篮球 / play football 踢足球等。但在表示具体的一个一个的各种球时,其前可用冠词。
basement[5beIsmEnt] n. [C]地下室:It is rather damp in the basement. 地下室很潮湿。
basic[5beIsIk] adj.基本的,基础的:a basic course in French 法语的一门基础课程 / The industry’s basic problem is the lack of demand. 工业方面的根本问题是缺乏需求。
basin[5beIs(E)n] n. 1. [C]水盆,脸盆:a copper basin 铜盆 2. [C]一盆之量:a basin of water 一盆水
basket[5bB:skIt] n. [C]篮子;篓子:a shopping basket 购物篮
basketball[5bB:skItbC:l] n.1. [C]篮球:playing basketball 打篮球2. [U]篮球运动
bat[bAt] n.1. [C](棒球、板球的)球棒2. [C]蝙蝠
bath[bB:W] n. 1. [C]洗澡:I have a bath every morning. 我每天早晨都洗澡。2.[C]浴室;澡盆:Clean out the bath when you are done. 洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。
bathe[beIT] v.1.游泳;沐浴:Let’s go for a bath. 我们去游泳吧。2.浸,洗:First bathe the wound with hot water. 先用热水洗一下伤口。3.笼罩:a room that was bathed in sunlight 充满阳光的房间
【辨析】bathe 与 bath:前者侧重指在室内“洗澡”,bathe 则通常指到室外的河里或海里等去游泳或泡澡。
bathrobe[5bB:WrEJb] n. [C]浴衣
bathroom[5bB:Wru:m] n. [C]浴室,盥洗室:Is there a bathroom in this restaurant? 这家餐馆里有卫生间吗?
bathtub[5bB:WtQb] n. [C]澡盆
battery[5bAtErI] n.1. [C]电池;电池组:The battery has run down. 电池用完了。2. [C]一组,一连串:a battery of questions 一连串的质问3.[C]炮兵连,炮组