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    battle[5bAt(E)l] n. [C,U]战斗;战役:be wounded in battle在战役中受伤 / He was killed in the battle. 他在战斗中阵亡。


    battleground[5bAt(E)l^raJnd] n. [C,U]战场:a political battleground 政治斗争场所


    bay[beI] n. 1. [C]湾;海湾:the Bay Bengal孟加拉湾 / The village overlooks a quiet little bay. 从这村子可以看见一个幽静的小海湾。2. [C]月桂树:


    BC[7bi:5si:] (Before Christ 的缩写) n.公元前


    【用法】参见 AD。


    be[bi:] (was, were, been)v.1.是:They are college students. 他们是大学生。2.(表示位置、时间等)是:Where is he? 他在哪里? / The party is on Sunday. 聚会将在星期天举行。3.在,存在:There are some people outside. 有些人在外面。4.(用于完成时态)去过:Have you ever been to Beijing? 你去过北京没有? v.aux.1. (用于进行时态)正在:She is singing. 她在唱歌。2. (用于被动语态)被:This work is done by girls. 这种活儿是姑娘们做的。3. (表示意图、目的)准备,应该:We’re to be married in June. 我们将在六月结婚。


    beach[bi:tF] n. [C]海滨,海滩:take a walk along the beach 沿海滨散步 / The hotel is within easy reach of the beach. 这家旅馆离海滨很近。


    【辨析】beach, coast, shore, seashore 与 seaside:1. beach 指“海岸”,主要指接近海水较为平坦的地方,通常指涨潮时有水,退潮时无水的部分,其上往往覆盖有沙子或碎石(而不是泥土),适合于游泳、日光浴或停靠小船等:We basked ourselves on the beach of Xinghai Park. 我们在星海公园的海滩上晒太阳。2. coast 指“海岸”、“海岸线”等,属地理用词,它主要指远处看到的海洋与陆地的分界线,或把这一分界线当作一个整体来看待(通常只能指“海岸”,不指湖岸或河岸):They lived about 10 miles from the coast. 他们住在离海大约 10 英里的地方。3. shore 指水与陆地交界的“岸”(如海岸、湖岸、河岸等),是一个较为笼统的说法,既可以包括 beach,也可以指突兀或陡峭的岸边,它往往有较强烈的与“水”相对的意味。4. 当人们侧重把“海岸”或“海滨”作为游玩的地方来考虑时,就用 seashore 或 seaside:We’ll spend the vacation at the seaside. 我们将到海滨度假。


    beam[bi:m] n.1. [C]梁,横梁:a cross beam 大梁2. [C]秤杆3. [C]光束:We enjoy seeing the glorious beams of the rising sun. 我们喜欢观赏初升太阳的灿烂光辉。


    bean[bi:n] n. [C]豆,豆科植物:baked beans 烘豆子 / coffee beans 咖啡豆


    bean curd n.豆腐


    bear[beE] vt.(bore, borne) 1.生育;结果:She bore three children. 她生了三个孩子。/ The peach trees are going to bear well this year. 今年桃树结果会很多。2. 承受,负担,承担:I doubt if that chair will bear your weight. 我怀疑那把椅子是否承受得了你的体重。3. 忍受;容忍:He bore the pain bravely. 他勇敢地强忍着痛苦。n. [C]熊:a polar bear北极熊◆bear oneself 举止 / bear on [upon] 压迫;与…有关 / bear out 证实,证明 / bear up 支持,忍耐 / bear with 容忍,忍受


    beard[bIEd] n. [C,U](下巴上的)胡须:grow a beard 留胡子◆beard the lion in his den 入虎穴取虎子;太岁头上动土


    beast[bi:st] n.1. [C]野兽;牲畜:wild beasts 野兽 2. [C]凶残的人(物);惹人讨厌的人:Don’t be a beast. 不要做一个使人讨厌的人。

    beat[bi:t] v. (beat, beaten) 1.连续地敲打;跳动:The rain was beating against the windows. 雨正敲打着窗户。2.打败,胜过:You can’t beat me at that game. 比那个你可赢不了我。n. [C](音乐)节拍,节奏:music with a strong beat 节奏强烈的音乐◆beat about the bush 拐弯抹角地说,东拉西扯 / beat back [off] 击退 / beat down 打倒 / Can you beat it [that] ! 竟有这种事!


    【辨析】1.beat 与 win:参见 win。2.beat 与 defeat:两者用作动词都可表示“打败”、“战胜”、“击败”等,常可互换,只是 defeat 比 beat 更正式,其后的宾语通常是比赛或战斗的对手:She beat [defeated] me at swimming. 她游泳胜过了我。/ England needed to beat Germany to get to the final. 英格兰队需要打败德国队才能进入决赛。3.beat, hit 与 strike:参见 hit。


    beautiful[5bju:tIfEl] adj.美的,美丽的,美观的:a beautiful painting美丽的图画 / She is very beautiful. 她长得很美。


    【辨析】beautiful 与 pretty:1. beautiful 表示“美”,可用于人或事物。用于人时,通常只用于形容女性或小孩,一般不用于男性。它表示的“美”主要指能“给感官以极大的快乐的美”,它侧重从客观上表明一种接近理想状态的美,语气很强:The west lake is famous for its beautiful scenery. 西湖以风景优美著称。/ She is a beautiful girl. 她是个美丽的女孩。2. pretty 语气较 beautifal 弱,侧重“娇小的”,一般用于小孩或青年女子, 指女性“适度的美”,含有“温柔、纤巧,从而使人产生美感”之意;用于小孩时,指“漂亮可爱的”;用于事物时,指“精致美好的”:She looks very pretty in that new skirt. 她穿那条新裙子很好看。/ They have a pretty daughter. 他们有个漂亮的女儿。/ The girl is not very beautiful, but she looks pretty when she smiles. 这女孩其实长得并不美,但笑起来很好看。


    beauty[5bju:tI] n.1.[U]美,美丽:The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes. 优美的音乐使她眼中充满泪花。2.[C]美人;美好的事物:His mother was a great beauty. 他母亲当年是个大美人。


    because[bI5kRz] conj.因为:Some people eat not because they are hungry, but for the pleasure of it. 有些人吃东西并不是因为肚子饿,而是为了享受。【辨析】1.because, as, for 与 since:参见 as。2.because 与 because of:because 是连词,其后接句子;because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等:We went there by bus because it was cheaper. 我们是乘公共汽车去那里的,因为更便宜。/ The game was cancelled because of the rain. 因为下雨比赛取消了。注:because of 之后可接 what 从句,但不能接 that 从句或没有引导词的句子。


    become[bI5kQm] v. (became, become) 1.变得;成为:She has become a doctor. 她已成为一名医生。2.适合,相称:The new suit becomes you. 这套新衣适合你。


    【用法】1. 用作连系动词,其后可接名词、形容词、过去分词等作表语。2. 其后一般不接不定式,如“他开始对数学感兴趣了。”不能说:He became to be interested in maths. 而说:He became interested in maths. 3. become 是非延续性动词,其现在完成时的肯定式不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。如“她当了两年编辑。”不能说:She has become an editor for two years. 而说:She has been an editor for two years. / She became an editor two years ago.


     bed[bed] n.1. [C,U]床:a room with two beds 有两张床的房间 / He is ill and keeps his bed. 他生病了,卧床不起。2. [C]底部,河床;海底:the bed of a river 河床◆ a bed of roses 欢乐安逸的境遇 / change a bed 换被单 / die in one’s bed 病死,寿终正寝 / make the bed 铺床 / keep [take] to one’s bed 卧病在床


    【用法】表示“床”,若指的是具体的一张一张的床,其前通常应有冠词或其他限定词;若指的是与床有关的活动如睡觉等,则通常不用冠词或其他限定词:It is time for bed. 是睡觉的时候了。/ The room has two beds in it. 这个房间有两张床。


    bedclothes[5bedklEJTz] n.(pl.)铺盖(被褥等)


    bedroom[5bedru:m] n. [C]寝室,卧室:We sleep in the bedroom. 我们在卧室睡觉。


    bee[bi:] n. [C]蜜蜂:as busy as a bee 忙个不停(并以此为乐)


    beef[bi:f] n.1. [U]牛肉:a beef steak 炸牛排 / The beef eats well. 这牛肉好吃。2. [U]肌肉;体力:He is lacking in beef. 他体力不够。


    beehive[5bi:haIv] n. [C]蜂箱


    beer[bIE(r)] n.1. [U]啤酒:a glass of beer 一杯啤酒2. [C]一杯啤酒;啤酒杯:Two beers, please. 劳驾,来两杯啤酒。




    before[bI5fC:(r)] prep.1.(表时间)在…以前:before 12 o’clock 12点钟以前 / the day before yesterday 前天 2.(表顺序、位置)在…前面:He sat just before me. 他就坐在我的前面。/ F comes before G in the alphabet. F 在字母表里排在 G 之前。adv.以前,在前面,在前头:You should have told me that before. 你早就应该告诉我那件事。conj.在…之前:Think well before you decide. 深思熟虑以后你再做决定。◆before long 不久 / long before 很久以前


    【辨析】1.before 与 ago:参见 ago。2.before long 与 long before:参见 long。

      上一篇:强烈推荐:2011年高考英语完形填空模拟题(附详解) 下一篇:实用高中英语用法词典连载(08)


