高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版):模块1 Unit 1《School life》
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    模块一 Unit 1 School ife 
    1.The job wasn’t _________ enough for me. I want something more creative. (富有挑战性的)
    2.She is studying American __________ at Georgetown University at present. (文学)
    3.The students are working hard every day, in _________ for the big examination. (准备)
    4.Older people often complain that the younger _________ don’t know what hard work is. (一代人)
    5.It takes an _________ of two weeks to finish a task like this. (平均)
    6.The village schools are in great need of ______________ teachers. (有经验的)
    7.Have a rest before you __________ with your reading. (继续)
    8.The Internet is ___________ at a very fast speed. (发展)
    9.People in this neighborhood can use the gym at no _________ cost. (额外的)
    10.The Ming ___________ ruled China from 1368 to 1644. (朝代)
    1对……感到满意_____________           2比平时晚一小时    _____________
    3.参加集会	    _____________          	4做某事的最好方法  _____________
    5.专心学习	    _____________           6赢得尊敬		    _____________
    7.获得高分	    _____________           8听起来象		    _____________
    9.有点挑战性    _____________           10给我许多鼓励	    _____________
    11.在午饭时候   _____________           12给某人发送电子邮件	_____________
    13.喜欢         _____________			14免费	        _____________
    15.在学校操场上 _____________           16体验这种不同的生活_____________ 
    17.回顾	        _____________           18首先             _____________
    19.自我介绍		_____________           20上网             _____________
    21.大学毕业以后	_____________         	22说流利的汉语     _____________
    23.发表演讲	    _____________           24把某物捐给我们学校_____________
    25.好好利用     _____________          	26一方面,另一方面	_____________	
    27.通知某人某事	_____________           28赞同这个想法	_____________
    29.负责	        _____________           30不仅仅是音乐	_____________
    1. 对我来说,到英国的一所高中去读书一年是一次非常令人愉快和令人兴奋的经历。
    _____________ _____________ was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
    2. 我发现家庭作业没有我在以前的学校那么繁重。然而,对我来说有点挑战性。
    I found that the homework was not as heavy as ________________ in my old school. However, it was a bit _____________ for me.
    3. 我真的非常喜欢看书,那就是我最喜欢的学科是文学的原因。
    I am really fond of reading books, and _______________  my favourite subject is Literature 
    4. 考试期间,我们有告诉学生他们应该做哪些准备的特殊节目。
    During exam time we have a special programme ____________tells students the things they should do for preparation.
     _____________ his studies, he started travelling in China. 
    1. Going to a British high school 2. what; challenging 3. that is why 4. that 5. Upon finishing
    词汇-1. experience 
    1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (P2)
    2. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. (P3)
    (1) She is a teacher with more than 20 years' experience in teaching._______________________
    (2) Flying along the express way is an unforgettable experience.   _______________________
    (3) He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life.______________________
    (4) An experienced doctor is operating on the wounded soldier.    _______________________
    ◆experience 做名词时的可数与不可数?
    当experience 译为______________时,为____________ 名词
    当experience 译为______________时,为____________ 名词
    ◆experience 做动词时,译为_________________
    ◆experienced的词性为_______________, 译为________________
    1. Nowadays people prefer to hire someone with ___________(工作经验).
    2. Getting caught in the flood was __________________(一次特别的经历)for me. 
    3. Everyone_____________(经历) these problems at some time in their lives.
    4. Tom _____________(在……有经验) dealing with difficult customers.
    词汇-2. respect 
    【教材原句】He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (P2)
    (1)She shows great respect for the old man who has helped her. _____________________
    (2)In this respect, we are no different from other people. _____________________
    (3) Please give my respects to your parents when you see them. _____________________
    (4)People will respect you for telling the truth about this. _____________________
    respect 作名词时,意思为: _____________________
    注意:表示“敬意,问候”时,respect 常用复数形式。
    (1) Please ____________________(代我问候) to your parents.
    (2) She had always been honest with me, and I _______________(敬重她这一点)。
    He is very like his father ______________. For example, he _________for old people. When seeing an old person, he always says hello to him ____________.
    词汇-3. devote 
    He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (P2)
    (1)She has devoted most of her time to her painting.__________________________________
    (2)She is a good wife and a devoted mother.________________________________________
    (3)He has been devoted to his study since last term.__________________________________
                致力于做某事:____________________/ ____________________
    devoted 词性:_______________ 词意:____________________
    In the past five years________________________________________(将业余时间用于植树)in the countryside.
    词汇-4. struggle
    【教材原句】 It was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. (P2)
    (1) She struggled to keep back tears.  ____________________
    (2)She picked the child up, but he struggled and kicked. ____________________
    (3)Our struggle to win freedom turned out to be successful. ____________________
    (4)The struggle between the two football teams was hard. ____________________
    (5)It’s a struggle for him to learn how to cook. ____________________
    意思为: ____________________
    常用搭配:努力做某事 ____________________
              与某人为某事而作斗争 ____________________
              struggle to one’s feet ____________________
    struggle n. 意思为:斗争;奋斗;挣扎;难事
    词汇-5. prepare  
    【课文原句】Cooking was really fun as I learnt how to buy, prepare and cook food. (P3)
    (1)Jenny, come and help, we need to prepare more food. ____________________________
    (2)He is preparing for the meeting to be held tomorrow. ____________________________
    (3)She said so because she wanted to prepare her father for the bad news._______________
    (4)Have you prepared to go on a trip?               ____________________________
    (5)We have been prepared for the coming examination. ____________________________
    = 相当于make preparations for…
    _________ for the worst in advance and you won’t be disappointed.
       	A. Having prepared   B. When preparing       C. If you prepare		  D. Prepare
    (2)Upon graduation from school, how well you ______the job that lies ahead.
        A. are prepared for     B. prepare for    	C. are preparing for     D. prepare
    【教材原句】We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.(p16)
    (1) I came to inform you of the time and place of the lecture.
    (2) Newspapers keep us informed of the latest news.
    (3) He informed the police that his money was missing.
    随时向某人报告情况  __________________________________
    告诉某人某种情况 __________________________________
    (1)I informed her mother that she had arrived safely. 
    I _______ _______ ________ _______her safe arrival.
    (2) If you get some information about it, please tell me in time.
      ________ ________ _________ if you get some information about it.
    ________ ________ ________ ________(为了知晓)what is happening in his own country, he watches TV and surfs the Internet every day. 
    词汇-7.for free 
    【教材原句】I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. (P3)
    Children under five years old can get the tickets for free.  __________________
    for free 意思为:_________,相当于:____________charge
    be free to sb __________________   set … free __________________
    be free to do sth __________________
    The guests of the hotel can use the swimming pool free of charge.
    The guests of the hotel can use the swimming pool _________ _________.
    The swimming pool _________ _________ _________ the guests of the hotel.
    词汇-8.look back on  
    【教材原句】I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. (P3)
    【例句研读】 翻译下面句子。
    When I look back on the past, I don’t have regrets for what I did, but for things I didn’t do.
    look back on __________________   look forward to __________________
    look up     __________________   look after     __________________
    look down upon __________________ look up to __________________
    look out for __________________
    ____________________________________(当我回想此事时),I have no idea why I said that.
     Mother always tells me not to _______ anyone, even if he is not well educated.
    A. look out for        B. look down upon     C. look back on      D. look forward to
    词汇-9.make use of  
    【教材原句】With so much free time, students who do not make good use of their time my not pass their exams. (P11)
    You should make full use of such a good chance. __________________
    If you can make use of the opportunity,I think you will do your best. __________________
    make full use of __________________ make good use of __________________
    make the best of __________________ make the most of __________________
    come into use   __________________in use         __________________
    Every minute should _______study hard.
    A. be made to B. be made use of   C. make use of   D. be made use of to
    词汇-10.more than  
    【教材原句】Our club is much more than just music. (P18)
    【例句研读】将下列句中的more than翻译成汉语。
    (1)I have known him for more than five years. __________
    (2)She is more than glad to give us help when we are in trouble. _________
    (3)The cold weather was more than we could bear. _________
    (1)more than    __________________ 
    (2)no more than  __________________
    (3)not more than __________________
    I saw __________________one notebook in that shop. Will you go and buy it?
    (2) It’s a popular hotel__________________ ten minutes from the nearest park.
    (3)Mrs Johnson is __________________ a neighbour to us. She is our best friend.
    1.【教材原句】Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.(P2)
    【句法分析】Going to a British high school for one year 是动名词短语,在句子中作主语。
    ___________________________ isn’t easy for her.
    ___________________________is a beautiful memory to him.
    2.【教材原句】I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a bit challenging for me.(P2)
    【句法分析】what 此处引导宾语从句,作介词as的宾语。what常用来引导名词性从句,在从句中what常用来做主语、宾语或表语。used to do表示“过去常常做某事”。
    (1)A modern city has been set up on _______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
    (2)I think _______ he said is true.
    (3)_______ he does doesn’t agree with _______ he says.
    (4)Our school is no longer _______ it was ten years ago. 
    3.【教材原句】I am really fond of reading books, and that is why my favourite subject is Literature. (P5)
    【句法分析】why 引导表语从句,意为“这就是为什么……,这就是……的原因 ”。注意它和this is because… 的区别,because后接的是原因,而why 后接的是结果。
    【即时巩固13】 根据中文意思,完成英文句子。
    I broke his favourite glass, and that is ______ he got angry with me.
    He got angry with me, and that is _______ I broke his favourite glass.
    There is no air and water on the moon. That’s ________ no creatures can live there.
    No creatures can live on the moon. That’s __________ there is no air and water there.
    4.【教材原句】During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should do for preparation.(P18) 
    【句法分析】本句中包括两个定语从句。that引导第一个定语从句,修饰a special programme,关系代词在从句中作主语,不可省略。they should do for preparation 是省去了that引导词的第二个定语从句,that在从句中作宾语,可以省略。
    The teacher asks us to pay close attention to the rules ___________________________________. 
    I refuse to accept the blame for something _____ was someone else’s fault.
    A. that          B. / 
    5.【教材原句】Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.(P9)
    【句法分析】doing前加上介词on 或者upon表示“一……就……”相当于as soon as 引导一个状语从句。此句中Upon finishing his studies相当于As soon as he finished his studies。
    ____________________________,we all were welcomed warmly.
    As soon as ______________________, we all were welcomed warmly.
    1. challenging    2. Literature    3. preparation    4. generation    5. average 
    6. experienced    7. continue     8. developing    9. extra        10. Dynasty
    1. be happy with                              	2. an hour later than usual 
    3. attend an assembly                         	4. the best way to do sth 
    5.devote oneself to study                     	6. earn respect 
    7. achieve high grades 							8. sound like 
    9. be a bit challenging 							10. give me much encouragement 
    11.during the lunch break 						12. send emails to sb 
    13. be fond of 								14. for free 
    15. on the school field 							16. experience this different way of life 
    17. look back on 								18. first of all 
    19. introduce myself 							20. surf the internet 
    21. after graduating from university 				22. speak fluent Chinese 
    23. make a speech 								24.donate sth to our school 
    25. make good use of 							26.for one thing, for another thing 
    27. inform sb of sth 							28.approve the idea  
    29. in charge of 26. close friends 					30. more than just music]
    1. Going to a British high school 2. what; challenging 3. that is why 4. that 5. Upon finishing
    词汇-1. experience 
    (1)20年的经验 (2)一次令人难忘的经历 (3)经历最严重的困难 (4)一个有经验的医生
    1. experience for work 2. a special experience 3. experiences 4. has experience in 
    词汇-2. respect 
    常见搭配:show/have respect for sb; earn respect from; in this respect; give one’s regards to 
    一、(1)give my regards (2) regard him for this
    二、in this respect; has respect; to show respect
    词汇-3. devote 
    (1)她把大部分时间用于绘画。 (2)她是位贤妻良母。 (3)自从上学期他就专心于学习了。
    devote one’s time/ energy/ effort to (doing) sth 
    形容词  专心的;忠实的,忠诚的;挚爱的
    has devoted his free time to planting trees 
    词汇-4. struggle
    (1) 作出极大的努力(2) 搏斗,挣扎(3) 斗争,奋斗(4) 搏斗(5) 难事
    struggle vi. 意思为:奋斗;努力;挣扎 常用搭配:struggle to do sth; struggle with/ against sb for sth;挣扎着站起来; 
    struggle n. 意思为:斗争;奋斗;挣扎;难事  常用句型:It’s a struggle for sb to do sth.
     It’s a struggle for him to read English materials.
    词汇-5 prepare  
    (1)prepare sth(2)prepare for sth(3)prepare sb for sth(4)prepare to do sth(5)be prepared for/ to do sth
    inform sb of sth.; keep sb informed of sth; inform sb that
    改写句子:(1)informed her mother of (2)Keep me informed
    完成句子:To be informed of 
    【自主归纳】 免费地;free of;对某人免费;释放;随意做某事
    【即时巩固7】for free; is free to
    词汇-8. look back on  
    【自主归纳】回顾;盼望;查阅;照看; 瞧不起;尊敬;当心
    【即时巩固8】 when I look back on it; B
    词汇-9.make use of  
    【自主归纳】 充分利用;好好利用;充分利用;充分利用;开始被使用;在使用中
    词汇-10.more than  
    【例句研读】(1)超过 (2)很,非常 (3)后接含有can/could的从句,含有否定的意思。
    【即时巩固10】1. no more than 2. not more than 3. more than 
    (1)Walking at night by herself  (2)Travelling in that city 
    (1)what (2) what (3) what ; what (4) what
    (1) why  (2)because  (3)why  (4)because
    一、that tell us the things we can or can’t do at school
    5【即时巩固15】On/upon arriving at the airport; we arrived at the airport 
    第一部分  基础知识训练
    ___________(参加) the meeting or not as soon as possible.
    2.He went back to London without having ___________  (取得)any success.
    3.Children should be taught to show ___________ (尊敬)for their teachers.
    4.I’ve been ___________(努力) to understand this article all the afternoon.
    5.At the end of the game, players will ___________(交换)shirts with each other.
    6.Where do you prefer to work after ___________(毕业).
    7.Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese very ___________(流利)as if he were Chinese.
    8.I have got used to the Chinese food, but I don’t like it when a Chinese ___________(主人) keeps serving me the food that I don’t like.
    9.Listening to the lecture that is given by ___________ (教授)Smith is an exciting moment.
    10.After many years of hard work, our ___________ (以前的)teacher has changed so much.
    1. She used to ______ with her parents, but now she is used to ______ with her classmates at school. 
       A. live; living      B. live; live     C. living; living    D. living; live
    2. Children in Britain don’t have as ________ homework as children in China, but theirs is always a little bit ________.
       A. heavy; easy      B. many; difficult
       C. much; heavy     D. heavy; challenging
    3. When you are in a foreign country, you may miss ______ Chinese food a lot. As a result, you hope to have ______ big supper after a tiring day.
       A. /; a     B. a; a      C. /; /      D. a; /
    4. At Christmas we needn’t go to school. We could get up later ______.
       A. as common    B. than common    C. as usual    D. than usual
    5. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English Literature.
       A. she    B. who    C. whose    D. which
    6. ______ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer.
       A. Swim      B. Swimming     C. Go swimming     D. To swim
    7. It’s really enjoyable to stay here in China. All my new friends are __________.
       A. help       B. helpless      C. helpful       D. of little help
    8. You say my English has improved. You don’t know how many hours I have spent ______ English books in the school library _______to make progress.
       A. read; to make  B. to have read; making  C. reading; to make  D. to read; making
    9. — Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
      — I’m afraid not. I’ll have to __________ an important lecture given by a famous professor.
      A. join			B. take part in		C. attend		D. enter 
    10. It is the assistant in charge _______ the scientific research who informed us _______ attending the academic activity.
    A. for; of          	B. of ; to        	C. with; for          D. of; of 
    introduce … to…    for free        donate … to…      look back on 
    prepare … for…     on average      inform … of       sound like		1. According to this research, ________ women live between five to seven years longer than men. 
    2. Before I open the letter, let’s _________ ourselves _______ the news, whether it is good or bad.
    3. I think doctors should ________ the patients _______ the side effects of the medicine they take. 
    4. Peter, I want to _________ you _________ my family. 
    5. He has offered to do the job ___________. 
    6. Do you think you are willing to ___________ some of your time ________ the volunteer work?
    7. They like to ______________ those unforgettable years in the army.
    8. That ____________ a good idea. What time does the concert start?
    next to      approve of       above average  with satisfaction
    miss the chance      earn respect     used to   such as		1. Her performance last night was well ____________, which surprised everyone.
    2. I do not ____________ your choice of friends.
    3. Some interests ____________reading and singing can develop good character.
    4. You will soon regret it if you ___________. 
    5. If you want to be a good boss, you will have to ____________ from your employees first.
    6. She looked at the finished painting ______________.
    7. I ____________eat a lot, but since I was laughed at, I began to lose weight.
    8. I noticed that he sat ____________a beautiful lady.
    1.I didn’t want to hire the boy __________ father is now in prison.
    2. What’s the name of the girl __________ just came in?
    3. Do you know the woman to __________ you were talking?
    4. The train __________ has just left is for Shanghai.
    5. Everything __________ can be done has been done.
    6. Have you forgotten about the money __________I lent you last week?
    7. Do you still remember the town __________ we visited last year?
    8. I’ll never forget the days __________ we spent on the small island.
    9. Do you know the girl __________ mother works in the company next to our school?
    10. He tried hard not to do anything __________ might attract her attention.
    第二部分 能力运用
        For many American college students, the chance to live in a dorm is very exciting. This is often the first time that students will be away ___1___ their parents for a long period of time and students are able to   2   a little more freedom than they would at home. Most colleges offer dorm options and some  3   apartment style living  4  includes a kitchen ,bath and laundry facilities(洗衣设备).
       However, the chance to live in a dorm is not always as  5   as ABC. Some large universities do not have   6    dorm space available for their students, so students often stand in a long line in the hope of getting a room. In addition to getting a room ,each student needs to decide   7   they would want a room with a friend. In most cases, students will decide on   8   they want to room with and the university usually consider their requests. It is often the case where students attend a university   9   they are new and have no friends from home   10   the same college.   11   , these students can be placed randomly(随机地)with other single students.
       There are other choices for American college students   12   choose to live near the university. These apartments are   13   than university housing .  14   , students living in non-university housing are not forced to follow strict rules   15   by universities. These rules can be troublesome for students who like to   16   then.
       There are many advantages, however,   17   in university housing.   18    the cost may be more expensive, the commute (每天往返) to classes is easier and one may not always have to cook their own foods. Meal plans are  19   for students in university dorms and are convenient for those who don’t like to cook or for those who do not know how to cook. Living on campus   20   that you are closer to many campus facilities including the library, gym, classrooms, etc. It is safer in university dorms as well.
    1. A. with       	B. of              	C. from           	D. with
    2. A. achieve     	B. win            	C. give            	D. experience
    3. A. get         	B. give           	C. offer            	D. make
    4. A. where      	B. that            	C. who            	D. whose
    5. A. easy        	B. difficult         	C. extra           	D. hard
    6. A lack         	B. short        	C. enough          	D. no
    7. A. unless      	B. but          	C. and             	D. whether
    8. A. whose      	B. that         	C. whom           	D. where
    9. A that        	B. where       	C. which           	D. who
    10. A joining     	B. taking part in    	C. attending       	D. joining in
    11.A. Especially   	B. Though       	C. Meanwhile     	D. Therefore
    12. A. which      	B. where          	C. who          	D. whose
    13. A. cheaper     	B. dirtier           	C. nicer         	D. more expensive
    14. A. In addition  	B. Above all        	C. Even though   	D. In particular
    15. A. put         B. run             	C. said         	D. set
    16. A. following   	B. break        	C. follow        	D. breaking
    17. A. studying    	B. living        	C. running       	D. talking
    18. A. Until       	B. While        	C. Since        	D. As though
    19. A. common    	B. ordinary       	C. usual        	D. unusual
    20. A. likes       	B. means         	C. says         	D. turns
    请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    It was my first day at school. I walked into the building where I was going to live, and looked for my room door after door. At last I found it. In the room, there was already a student making his bed.
    After we said “Hello” to each other, he continued his work, paying no attention to me. “What a stuck-up (高傲的) fellow,” I thought. I examined the room. It was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room I had seen. But it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.
    I looked at him. He was thin, short, and dark. His hair was like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and tired look were clear signs of a long journey. His clothes were made of cheap cloth. The coat was too short and the trousers were too loose. And he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very unfashionable. He did not look like a smart senior student at all. “ A yokel(乡下人),” I concluded.
    The second time he spoke, his accent told me that he was from the south. “Shall I help you to get your luggage from the office?” he asked.
    I did not refuse since I really needed help. He was quick in movement. “A good guy,” I said to myself. “I will make friends with him.” I hurried and caught up with him.
    1. When I came into the room, I found that my roommate was  ____________.
     A. sleeping       B. making his bed      C. cleaning the room      D. listening to music
    2. The writer considered his roommate to be a yokel because _________.
      A. his hair was like a bundle of straw
      B. his clothes were made of cheap cloth
      C. his shoes were out of date
      D. all of the above
    3. What is the boy like according to the passage?
      A. Hardworking      B. Clever       C. Foolish      D. Kind
    4. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.
      A. the writer comes from a rich family
      B. the writer will make friends with his roommate
      C. his roommate is from the south
      D. his roommate is from a poor family
    In order to enrich our students’ leisure time, we open the afternoon English Club. What is an “English Club”? An English Club is where the students must create with their imagination and use their abilities to produce the best possible work. During the club time, all the teachers and students must speak English only. Here is a brief introduction of the activities:
    English Cool TV
    Aim: to produce a TV interview, take photographs,
     set up the lights on and so on
    Place: Class 3, Grade 2
    Time: Friday    Tel: 010-84615522	English Eco Club
    Aim: to increase the awareness of taking care of 
    the environment and do as much as possible to 
    keep it clean and healthy for generations to come
    Place: Class 5, Grade 2
    Time: Sunday    Tel: 010-84615526		English Students News
    Aim: to teach students to write interviews, 
    design layouts(),print and publish
    Place: Class 3, Grade 1
    Time: Monday    Tel: 010-84615525	English Badminton
    Aim: to learn the easy-looking but rather complex skills
     necessary to play this popular Chinese sport
    Place: Class 5, Grade 2
    Time: Wednesday    Tel: 010-84615527		  You can choose one of them. If you want to know further information, you can surf the Internet at http:www.best-intl-school.com or you can make a telephone call to us.
    5. The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to ___________.
      A. describe some activities
      B. encourage students to join the English Club
      C. enrich the students’ leisure time
      D. open the afternoon English Club
    6. If one student is busy on weekdays , he can join __________.
      A. English Cool TV          B. English Eco Club    
    C. English Students News     D. English Badminton
    7. One student can call __________ if he wants to join English Badminton.
      A. 010-84615522    B. 010-84615526   C. 010-84615525    D. 010-84615527
    8. If one student wants to know something about the English Club, he can ________. 
      A. make a phone call     B. surf the Internet      C. ask his classmates
      D. make a phone call or surf the Internet
    As a baby girl, Helen Keller caught such a high fever that she nearly died. She survived but could no longer see or hear. Besides, she also found it very difficult to speak. Then how did this child , who went blind and deaf at 19 months old, grow up to become a world-famous author and public speaker?
       The fever cut Helen off from the outside world, causing her to lose senses of sight and hearing. Luckily, she was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began exploring the world by using her other senses. She followed her mother wherever she went, touching and smelling everything she met with. She copied other’s actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself. She even learned to recognize people by feeling their faces or clothes. She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.
       At the age of five, Helen began to realize she was different from other people. She noticed that her family did not use signs as she did but talked with their mouths. She wanted to talk, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not make herself understood. This made her so angry that she used to hurl(猛撞) herself around the room, kicking and screaming in frustration(挫败).
       As she got older, her frustration grew and her rages狂怒() became worse and worse. Eventually just before she was seven years old, the family hired a private tutor(家庭教师)-----Anne Sullivan. Anne was careful to teach Helen especially those subjects in which she was interested. So Helen became gentler and she soon learnt to read and write in Braille(布莱叶盲文). She also learnt to read people’s lips by pressing her fingertips against them and feeling the movement. This method is a skill that very few people manage to learn. She also learnt to speak, a major achievement for someone who could not hear at all.
    Title: Helen Keller’s story
    Time	Main events		As a baby girl	After a high fever, she (1)________ but could no longer see or hear.		
    Under the age of five	Soon she began (2)_________ the world by using her other senses.
    She followed her mother wherever she went, touching and smelling everything she came (3)_______.
    She could also tell where she was in the garden by  (4)_______ different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.
    		At five years old
    	Helen began to realize she (5)________from other people.
    She wanted to talk, but she could not make herself (6)___________.		Before her  (7)______ birthday	Her frustration grew and her rages became worse and worse. (8)________ the family hired a private tutor------Anne Sullivan.		
    After Anne Sullivan
    entered her life	She soon learnt to read and write in Braille.
    She also learnt to speak , a great (9)______ for someone who could not hear at all.
    She grew up to become a (10)________ author and public speaker.		
    家长	生活上的照顾		学校	提供方便(延长图书馆的开放时间……)		老师	学习上的帮助(鼓励,答疑解难……)		你自己	(自由发挥,至少两点)		模块二Unit 1综合练习(参考答案)
    第一部分  基础知识训练
    1-5: ADADB		6-10: BCCCD
    1. A解析:use to表示过去常常,后接动词原形。be used to doing表示习惯于做某事;be used to do表示被用来做什么。
    2. D解析:homework为不可数名词,指作业多可以用much,或heavy修饰;作业难可以用difficult或challenging修饰。
    3. A解析:food是不可数名词,Chinese food意为:中国菜;supper, breakfast及lunch前一般不加冠词,但其前有形容词修饰时可用不定冠词,have a big supper意为:晚饭时大吃一顿。
    4. D解析:than usual,比往常
    5. B解析:teacher后面的内容是一个定语从句,引导词在句中要做主语,并且先行词是人,因此用who。
    6. B解析:句子少主语,动名词或不定式可以做主语,但不定式多指某次具体的行为。
    7. C解析:根据句意可知此处要表达的内容是:我的新朋友都是很助人的。
    8. C解析:spend time doing sth花时间做某事;第二空用动词不定式,表示目的。hours后是一个省去that的定语从句。
    9. C 解析:听报告用attend a lecture, 上课上学也是用attend class/ attend school。Join 用于参加某个政党、组织或团体,成为其中一个成员。如:join the party/ the club/ our group。Take part in 多指参加某活动,如:take part in sports。Enter则表示“进入”。
    10. D 解析:in charge of掌管,负责;inform sb of (doing)sth告知某人某件事。
    1. on average		2. prepare … for	3. inform … of		4. introduce … to	
    5. for free        6. donate … to    7. look back on        8. sounds like 
    1. above average	2. approve of		 3. such as 	   4. miss the chance  
    5. earn respect    6. with satisfaction  7. used to      8. next to
    1. whose       2. who/that        3. whom        4. which/that      5. that 
    6. which/that   7. which/ that       8. which/ that   9. whose          10. that 
    第二部分 能力运用
    1-5 CDCBA 6-10 CDCBC 11-15 DCAAD 16-20 BBBAB
    1.C  解析:be away from their parents离开父母
    2. D  解析:体验比以前在家时更多的自由。
    3.C  解析:大多数大学提供宿舍,有的提供公寓式生活方式。公寓式生活方式包括了厨房、浴室及洗衣设备。
    4.B  解析:见上。
    5.A  解析:ABC代表的是“简单”6.C  解析:根据下文学生经常要排长队等候得到一个房间,可知有些大学没有足够的宿舍供学生住。
    7.D  解析:大多数学生需要做出决定是否要和一个朋友一起住一个房间。
    8.C  解析:大数情况下,学生要决定跟谁住一间,此处whom引导定语从句,并且在从句中做宾语。
    9.B  解析:where引导定语从句,同时在从句中作状语。
    10.C 解析:attend the same university上同一所大学。attend school上学;attend class上课。
    11.D 解析:根据与上句的关系可知,此处应该是因果关系。许多时候,学生就读的大学对他们来说是新的,他们没有来自家乡的朋友上同一所大学,因此,这些学生可以随机与别的单独的学生排在一起。
    12.C 解析:who引导定语从句,在从句中做主语。意为:选择住在大学附近的那些大学生。
    13.A 解析:从49空后面的一句可知,此处应该是讲住校外的好处。这些公寓房比大学的住房房便宜,而且,学生不会被迫遵守学校严格的规章制度。
    14.A 解析:in addition此外。
    15.D 解析:set the rule制定这人规则。
    16.B 解析:这些规章制度对于那些总爱违规的学生来说是很讨厌的。违规:break the rule;违法:break the law. 
    17.B 解析:整篇文章讲的是大学住宿问题。因此用living比较恰当。
    18.B 解析:虽然住在大学的房子里费用高些,但每天上课要更加方便而且不用总是自己做饭。
    19.A 解析:common常见的,ordinary普通的,usual通常的,
    20.B 解析:住在校园里意味着你距校园设施更近,……
    1-4 BDDD
    5-8 BBDD
    6.B解析:根据表格右上一格的内容可知,English Eco Club,是Sunday 举行,weekdays指的是从Monday到Friday。
    7.D解析:通过题目中的English Badminton,到文中去找,表格右下格中是相关内容。
    1.survived      2. exploring    	3. across       			4. smelling       	5. differed    
    6. understood    		7. seventh     	8. Eventually/Finally    	9. achievement  	10. world-famous
    I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way .Everyone around us is trying their best to help us in different ways. At school, all the teachers work very hard, encourage us to build up our  confidence and inspire us to improve our study .Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help . Meanwhile, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy.
    I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. I am sure that with their encouragement and timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near future.
      上一篇:英语短文改错常见错误 英语短文改错有哪些常见错误 下一篇:高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版):模块1 Unit 2《Growing pains》


