After a year circling the moon with a diverse array of instruments, LRO has revealed detailed images far different from the ones Brown University geology professor Jim Head used when he worked in the Apollo program, _________________________________. Brown says the lunar maps back then were based on images with lower resolution and limited viewing angles, which meant that deciding where astronauts could land involved a fair amount of guesswork.
"But what we have here with the LOLA instrument is in fact the ability to create topographic maps that actually look like images. _________________________________which we've combined together to create these global topographic[ 地质的] maps and they give us an even portrayal of the topography, _________________________________."
(1)which sent the first men to the moon in 1968
(2)So we have over 2,500,000,000 shots of laser data
(3)largely composed of impact craters over the whole surface of the moon