教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:2600  
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    1.The issue is how to of radioactive waste.

    A.deal B.dispose C.disposal D.do


    [辨析及搭配]A.deal(with)处理;应付;做生意。例句:I have dealt with this company for more than a decade.我已经与这家公司做了十多年的生意。B. dispose(of)处理;处置;除掉;去掉。例句:Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。Dispose of these old newspapers!把这些旧报纸处理掉。C.disposaln.处理;处置。D.do处理;整顿;解决(问题)。

    2.The trend of brain drain does the developing countries degrees of harm.

    A.diver B.diversify C.diverse D.diversity


    [辨析及搭配]A.diver n.潜水员。B.diversify v.使多样化。C.diverse adj.不同的。D.diversity n.多样性。此处只能用形容词diverse修饰名词。

    3.Whether he could obtain his diploma or not greatly him.

    A.disturbed B.distinguished C.distresses D.disputes


    [辨析及搭配]A.disturb 扰乱;打扰。B.distinguish(between;from)区分;辨别。C.distress使悲痛;使忧伤。D.dispute 争论;辩论;争执。

    4.All had to stay in the open space,esp.at night, for the of the warning of an earthquake.

    A.donation B.domination C.destination D.duration


    [辨析及搭配]A.donation 捐赠品;捐款。B. domination统治;控制;支配。C.destination 目的地。D.duration期间;持续时间。

    5.The free market is with purchasers and merchants.

    A.deliberate B.dense C.dependent D.desirable


    [辨析及搭配]A.deliberate蓄意的;审慎的。B. dense(with)密集的;浓厚的;繁忙的。C.dependent依靠的;依赖的;以……而定。D.desirable值得要的;合心意的;悦人心意的。

    6.Mr.Smith is used to reading his favorite academic over coffee.

    A.digital B.digest C.digestion D.indigestion


    [辨析及搭配]首先排除A.digital adj.数字的;数码的。后面三个是同根词:B.digest v.消化,领悟。n.文摘,摘要。C.digestion n.消化,领悟。D.indigestionn.消化不良。

    7.Failure is the mother of success,so that hers hasn’t her,but encouraged her to redouble her exertions instead.

    A.discharged B.discounted

    C.discarded D.discouraged

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