由"let"带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences)是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种:
(1) Let me try.
(2) Let's do it.
(3) Let me go and look for it.
(4) a. Don't disturb him.
b. Let's not disturb him.
(5) Let Robert take charge of the marketing department.
(6) Let her join our choir.
(7) Let him try and he will expose his inability to work on his own.
(8) Let the invaders come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time.
一、"let" 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用"Don't let....."(见例(9));如果宾语是第一人称,则用"Let......not" (见例(10)):
(9) Don't let this type of things happen again.
(10) It's raining now. Let's not go out until after the rain.
二、"Let"只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态 (the passive voice),如:
(11) Let the recalcitrant criminals be sent to prison.
(12) Let all the dedicated capable staff be promoted.
三、"Let"后头除了是不带"to"的不定式动词 (The infinitive without"to")之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone等:
(13) Let the puppy out.
(14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in.
(15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down.
(16) Let me alone, please.
四、用"Let's"时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用"Let us"时,并不包括对方,如:
(17) Let's try it, shall we?
(18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?
从(17)里的"shall we"和(18)里的"will you",不难知道前者包括听话人,后者并没有。