礼仪之邦 a land of ceremony and decorum
礼义廉耻 Courtesy, Justice, Integrity and Sense of Shame
龙的传人 the generation of dragon
民本思想 populist ideas
民间文化 folk culture
民俗庙会 temple fair of folk custom
民族文化 national culture
民族自豪 national pride
墨家学派 the Mohist school
内外兼修 whole care
隋唐佛学 The Buddhist philosophy during Sui and Tang dynasties
《道德经》Tao Te Ching/Classic of the Way of Virtue
《弟子规》 Disciples Regulation
《百家姓》 Pamphlet of Chinese Surnames/Book of (China’s) Family Names
《战国策》 Strategies of the Warring States
道德修养 moral self-cultivation
道法自然 Tao models itself after nature
博大精深 broad and profound
出土文物 unearthed relics
传统美德 traditional virtues
传统文化 traditional culture
风土人情 local conditions and customs
刚柔并济 combination of softness and hardness
和谐文化 harmonious culture
厚德载物 great virtue promotes growth
皇城根儿 the foot of the imperial city
精神文明 spiritual civilization; advanced culture and ethic