ratio of sth to sth 比率
reaction to 对...的反应
reason for 原因,理由
reference to 提及,参考
regard for 对...的注意,尊重
remedy for 补救,解决
reply to sb/sth 对...的回答
reputation for 名声,名气
request for sth 要求
research on/into 对...的研究,调查
resistance to 对...的抵抗,阻力
response to 对...的回答,反应
responsibility for 责任,负责
restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束
search for 对...的搜寻
service to 服务,贡献
similarity between ...的相似之处
skill at 技巧,熟练
solution to ...的解决办法
sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛
stress on 对...的强调
supplement to sth 补充,增刊
sympathy for 对...的同情
sympathy with 对...的赞同
taste for 对...的爱好,喜爱
taste in 对...的审美能力
tendency to sth 趋向,趋势
trust in 对...的信赖,信任
wish for 欲望,愿望