401. With the growing popularity of... in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.
点睛本句是典型的阐述式开头的句型,既可以用于议论文,也可以用于说明文。其中的省略号可以替换为名词。如:computers(电脑),private cars(私家车),credit cards(信用卡),supermarkets(超市),fast food(快餐食品)等。应当注意的是,一般情况下,用于替换的名词如果是可数名词,必须使用其复数形式;但是如果替换成football或basketball等表示球类运动的词汇时,则不用变成复数,因为像footballs这一复数形式的词表示“多个足球”。
句型拓展Along with the growing popularity of Medical System in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed. 随着医疗制度在中国的不断推广,我们的生活质量已经发生了显著的变化。
As high education is more and more popular in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed. 随着高等教育在中国的日益普及,我们的生活质量已经发生了显著的变化。
With the increasing popularity of cell phones in China, our lives have been considerably changed. 随着手机在中国越来越流行,我们的生活已经发生了显著的变化。