434. Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning... To help with..., I have enclosed...
点睛本句型是典型的回复咨询信件的开头。本句型用词正式,多用于商务信件。其后半句to help with..., I have enclosed...可以根据语境替换为其他句型。如:
We have developed a new model. The following is a brief introduction. 我们已经开发出了新型号,以下就是它的简介。
句型拓展Thank you for your recent inquiry concerning ACB gifts. To help with your gift purchases, I have enclosed our most recent catalogs illustrating many of our popular items. 感谢您近来对于ACB礼品公司产品的咨询。为了帮助您选购礼物,现寄上我们最近的流行产品的清单。
Thank you for inquiring our glasses. We will send you some samples this Tuesday. 感谢您询问我们的眼镜。本周二我们会给您寄去一些样品。