教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:1603  
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       1. [词根辩识]


       ① age   ② aggression③ agitational④ agaze

       ⑤ tractor ⑥ factory  ⑦ actuary  ⑧ coaction


       ① react  ② re-act  ③ ex-actor  ④ exactor

       ⑤ underact ⑥ overact  ⑦ coact  ⑧ enact

       2. [举一反三]根据例子写出后面单词的中文意思。

       A.例:agitate v.鼓动→agitator n.鼓动者

       ① act v.行动,行为→actor n.

       ② exact v.强索,强征(捐税等)→exactor n.

       ③ activate v. [化]使活化→activator n.

       B. active a.积极的→actively ad.积极地

       ① interactive a.相互作用的→interactively ad.

       ② reactive a.反动的→reactively ad.

       ③ counteractive a.抵制的→counteractively ad.

       3. [望文生义]根据已知单词的含义求出其同根词的含义。

       ① 已知:coact v.共同行动,合力工作(提示:co-=together)

       求:coaction n.

       coactive a.

       ② 已知:counteract v.抵抗,抵制;抵消(提示:counter-=against)

       求:counteraction n.

       counteractive a.

       ③ 已知:retroact v.倒行;追溯既往(提示:retro-=backward)

       求:retroactive a.

       retroaction n.

       4. [同义相连]请将左栏的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。


       ① coagent       a.反作用剂;反抗力

       ② subagent       b.共事者;合作者

       ③ reagent       c.副代理人

       ④ counteragent     d.反应力;反应物

       ⑤ subagency      e.分代理处


       ① activable       a.不活动的;不活跃的

       ② exactable       b. [化] 能被活化的

       ③ inactive        c.可强取的;可强求而得的

       ④ reactionary      d.倒行的;有追溯效力的

       ⑤ retroactive      e.反动的

       5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① coagency n.合作

       ② agitprop v.宣传鼓动(提示:prop=propoganda宣传)

       ③ coagulate v.(使)凝结;(使)合为一体

       ④ actuary n.(保险)精算师

       ⑤ enact v.制定(法律);通过(法案);颁布

       ⑥ underact v.表演(角色)不够充分

       2. am, amat [L]=to love爱

       常用词amiable和amateur分别来自同源异形根am和amat。am是拉丁动词amare的不定式词干;amat是这个动词的动名词词干,意思都相当于to love(爱)。

       amiable [am=to love爱;-i-;-able a.=capable of可……的→“capable of being loved可爱的”→] a. lovable, or kindly可爱的;和蔼的:an amiable old lady可亲的老太太

       amateur [amat=to love; -eur (-er) n.=person 人→“persaon who does something for loving it (rather than for money)因爱好(不是为金钱)从事某项活动者”→] n. person who practices an art, sport or science for his own pleasure(艺术、体育、科学等)业余爱好者:radio amateur业余无线电爱好者

       ▽amateurism [amateur;-ism n.] n.业余活动

       amateurish [amateur n.业余爱好者;-ish a.=like像…的→“like an amateur(rather than a professional hand)像业余的,不内行的”→] a. unskillful不老练的,外行的:He is still amateurish in playing golf.他打高尔夫球还不老练。

       ▽amateurishness [amateurish;-ness n.] n.外行

       amicable [amic(来自 am 的同根名词 amicus)=person one loves, or friend亲爱者,朋友;-able a.=able to be能当……的→“able to be one's friend能做朋友的”→] a. in a friendly spirit, or peaceable友好的;和睦的:amicable settlement和解

       ▽amicability [amicab(le);-ility n.] n.友好;和睦

       amour [am=to love爱;-our n.=the state or result表状态或结果→“loving or the result of loving恋爱或恋爱的结果)”→] n.① love恋爱② love affair桃色事件,偷情

       ▽amorous [amo(u)r;-ous a.] a.恋爱的;多情的

       enamour [en-v.=to cause to be使;amour n.=love恋爱→“to cause to be in love使恋爱”→] v. inflame with love使迷恋:Her beauty enam-oured the prince.王子被她的美貌迷住了。

       amatory [amat=to love爱;-ory a.=related to与……有关的→] a. related to loving;expressing love恋爱的;爱慕的:amatory poems情诗


      上一篇:英语词根与同根词的说文解字——介绍100个最常见的英语词根 下一篇:英语词根——练习2:


