教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:636  
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       1. [望文生义]根据所学的词根和词缀的知识写出下列单词的词义。

       ① anthropogeography n.     ② anthroposociology n.

       2. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① anthropomorphous a.有人形的;似人的

       anthropomorphize v.(把动物等)拟作人(提示:morph=shape)

       ② anthropophagy n.食人肉的习性

       anthrophagous a.食人肉的(提示:phag=to eat)

       ③ anthropometry n.人体测量学(提示:metr=to measure)

       ④ anthropocentric a.以人类为宇宙中心的(提示:centr=center)

       ⑤ zoanthropy n. [医] 变兽幻想(提示:zo=animal)

       6. arch [GK]=rule统治

       在政治术语anarchy, monarch, monarchy和oligarch中,有个常用词根arch。它来自希腊名词arkhos,意为rule(统治)。在派生词中arch常作ruler(统治者)或government(政体)解。

       anarchy [an-(a-)=no, without无;arch=rule治理;-y n.=the state表状态→“the state without rule or government缺乏治理,没有政府”→] n. absence of government or control无秩序;无政府状态:Any form of government is better than anarchy. 任何形式的政体都比无政府状态好。

       ▽anarchic [anarch(y);-ic a.] a.无政府主义的

       anarchism [anarch(y);-ism a.] n.无政府主义

       anarchist [anarch(y);-ist n.] n.无政府主义者

       monarch [mon=one, alone单一;arch=ruler统治者→“only one ruler, or one who rules a country alone单独治理国家者”→] n. king of sovereign国王,君主:The monarch was ousted.国王被赶下台了。

       ▽monarchal [monarch;-al a.] a.国王的,君主的

       monarchy [mon-=one, alone单一;arch=ruler统治者;-y n.=the state表状态→“the state or government of only one ruler单人统治的政体”→] n. government ruled by a monarch君主政体;君主国:China was once a monarchy.中国曾经是个君主国。

       ▽monarchic [monarch(y);-ic a.] a.君主制的;君主国的

       monarchism [monarch(y);-ism n.] n.君主制度;君主主义

       oligarch [olig-=few少,寡;arch=ruler统治者→“one of a few rulers少数统治者之一”→] n. member of an oligarchy寡头统治成员:finan-cial oligarch金融寡头

       oligarchy [olig-=few少,寡;arch=ruler统治者;-y n.=the state表状态→“the state or government by a few rulers由少数人统治的政府”→] n. rule or government by a few, often for their own interests寡头政治;寡头统治的政府:Ancient Sparta was really an oligarchy.古斯巴达实际上是个寡头统治的国家。

       ▽oligarchic [oligarch(y);-ic a.] a.寡头政治的

       polyarchy [poly-=many多;arch=ruler统治者;-y n.=the state表状态→“the state or government by many rulers多人的统治”→] n. rule or government by many heads多头政治

       matriarch [matri=mother 母;arch=ruler 统治者→“a ruler who is a mother母权统治者”→] n. woman who rules a large family or tribe女家长;女族长:This tribe is still led by matriarchs.该部落依然以女族长为首。

       ▽matriarchal [matriarch;-al a.] a.女家长的;女族长的

       matriarchy [matri=mother母;arch=rule统治;-y n.=the state表状态→“the state of rule by mothers 母权统治”→] n. social group or system ruled only by women母权制;母系氏族制:Many ancient societies were matriarchies.许多远古社会是母权制社会。

       archives [arch=ruler统治者;-ive n.=thing物;-s 表复数→“documents belonging to rulers属于统治者的文件”→] n.① public records档案② place in which public records are stored档案室(馆):the central archives of the state国家档案馆

       ▽archivist [archiv(es);-ist n.] n.档案保管员

       archival [archiv(es);-al a.] a.关于档案的;在档案中的


       archenemy [arch-=chief主要的;enemy n.敌人→] n. chief enemy首敌;大敌

       architect [arch-=thief首要的;-i-;tect=builder建筑者→“chief builder建筑者的首领”→] n. designer of buildings建筑设计师

       ▽architecture [architect;-ure n.] n.建筑学

       architectonic [architect;-onic(-ic) a.] a.关于建筑的


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