教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:721  
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       1. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       congratulate祝贺→① congratulator n.

             →② congratulation n.

             →③ congratulatory a.

       2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。

       ① grateful a.感激的→ungrateful a.

       ② gratitude n.感谢→ingratitude n.

       3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。

       ① gratulatory a.表示高兴的;祝贺的

       ② gratuitous a.没有报酬的;免费的

       4. [节外生枝]词根grac是grat的变体,请分析下列单词义。

       ① grace n.优美;恩惠;感恩祷告

       ② gracious a.优美的;有礼貌的;仁慈的

       ③ gracile a.纤细优美的

       ④ gracioso n.西班牙喜剧的丑角

       5. [望文生义]以下也是grac的同根词,请分析它们的词义。

       ① graceful a.

       ② graceless a.

       ③ disgrace n.

       ④ disgraceful a.

       ⑤ ungraceful a.

       ⑥ ungracious a.

       45. it [L]=to go走


       ambition [amb-=round周围;it=to go走;-ion n.=-ing表行为→“going round(for votes)(为选票)四方奔走”→] n.① desire to be successful强烈欲望:He is filled with ambition to become famous.他一心想成名。② object of such desire 追求的目标,抱负:She realized her ambitions.她实现了自己的抱负。

       ▽ambitionless [ambition;-less a.] a.无抱负的

       exit [ex-=out出;it=to go走→]Ⅰv. go out出去,离去:He exited in a hurry.他匆匆离去。→Ⅱn.① departure出去,离去:The actor made a graceful exit.演员优雅地退场。② way out出口:Exit doors must open outwards.太平门必须朝外开。

       transit [trans-=across穿过;it=to go走→“to go across走过”→]Ⅰv. pass across or through通过,越过:Only small ships can transit the canal.只有小船能通过运河。Ⅱn.① the act of going across or through通过,越过:Transit across the bridge is dangerous.过那座桥有危险。② the act of carrying across运输:The goods were damaged in transit.货物在运输途中受损。

       ▽transition [transit;-ion n.] n.过渡,过渡时期;转变,变迁

       transitive [transit;-ive a.] a.过渡的;转变的;[语]及物的

       transitory [transit;-ory a.] a.短暂的,昙花一现的;无常的

       circuit [circu=ring圆环;it=to go→“going along a ring沿圆环走”→] n.① round about movement环行:We made a circuit of the lake.我们绕湖走了一圈。② line enclosing an area周线,范围:a 40-kilometer circuit of mountains四十公里方圆的山区③ path of electric current电路:short circuit短路

       ▽circuitous [circuit;-ous a.] a.迂回的,绕行的;曲折的

       circuity [circuit;-y n.] n.曲折性;迂回,拐弯抹角的行动

       circuitry [circuit;-ry n.] n.电路系统;电路元件总称

       initial [in-=in入;it=to go走;-i-;-al a.=of……的→“of going in刚走进的”→]Ⅰa. of or at the beginning开始的,最初的:He failed in his initial attempts.他初试即败。→Ⅱn. the first letter of one's name首字母:He signed with his initials.他用首字母签名。

       ▽initialism [initial n.;-ism n.] n.首字母缩略词

       initialize [initial a.-ize v.] v.(计算机)预置

       initiate [in-=in入;it=to go走;-i-;-ate v.=to make使→“to make to go in使走进去”→] v.① set going;begin发起;开始:to initiate a new programme of reform 开始实施新的改革方案。② introduce into membership介绍(入会):The old members initiate the new ones.老会员引进新会员。③ intrduce into knowledge传授,使初步了解:The book initiated him into foreign trade.该书教他外贸的基本知识。

       ▽initation [initat(e);-ion n.] n.开始,发起;入会;传授

       initiator [initiat(e);-or n.] n.创始人,发起者;传授者

       initiative [initiat(e);-ive a.] a.开始的 n.倡议;首创精神

       sedition [sed-(se-)=apart离;it=to go走;-ion n.=-ing表行为→“going apart走开,脱离”→] n. speech or action causing rebellion煽动叛乱的言行:He was charged with sedition.他被控犯有煽动叛乱罪。

       ▽seditionary [sedition;-ary n.] n.煽动分子

       seditionist [sedition;-ist n.] n.煽动叛乱者

       seditious [sed-;it;-ious a.] a.煽动叛乱的;煽动性的

       obit [ob-=away离开;it=to go走→“going away or passing away离去,去世”→] n. ceremony in memory of the anniversary of one's death周年祭礼:They hold a simple obit to remember him.他们召开了一个简朴的周年祭礼来追思他。

       ▽obituary [obit;-u-;-ary n. ] n.讣告

       obituarist [obituar(y);-ist n.] n.讣告作者


      上一篇:英语词根——练习43: 下一篇:英语词根——练习45:


