1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① ab-
② con-
2. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① projection a.抛弃;拒绝
② subjection b.发射;规划
③ ejection c.沮丧;气馁
④ rejection d.隶属;征服
⑤ dejection e.驱逐;射出
3. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① interjacent a.处在中间的
② ejaculate v.射出液体;突然喊出
ejaculator n.射出者;突然叫喊者
ejecta n.喷出物;废物(提示:e-
③ subjacent a.低下的;下层的
④ interject v.突然插入
interjection n.插入物;感叹词
⑤ objection n.厌恶;反对
objectionable a.令人不愉快的
⑥ traject v.抛越;扔过
trajectory n.弹道;轨道,轨迹(提示:tra-
4. [节外生枝] ject有个异体jet,以下是主要的派生词。请分析其词义。
① jet v.喷出;喷射 n.喷射;喷射口
② jettison v.(在紧急情况下)将货物抛出船外;抛弃;丢弃
③ jetsam n.(在紧急情况下)抛出船外的货物;无用的弃物
④ jetty n.码头
47. junct, join [L]=to connect连接
在常用词conjunction,juncture,disjunctive中,词根junct来自拉丁动词jungere的动名词形式junctum,其意思相当于to connect或to join,即“连接”。常用词join其实是拉丁词根junct在法语中的变形。作为英语词根,join主要构成动词。
conjunction [con-(com-)=together一起;junct=to connect连接;-ion n.=the act or state表行为或状态→“connecting together连接在一起”→] n.① connection;association连接;结合:We'll have a party in conjunction with Class One.我们要和一班联合开晚会。②word connecting two grammatical elements together连词:“But”is a conjunction.“But”是个连词。
▽conjunctive [con-;junct;-ive a.] a.连接的;联系的
junctrure [junct=to join连接;-ure n.=the state表行为状态→“joining of places or times地点或时间相连的状态”→] n.① place where several pieces of land joined交界处:the juncture of three provinces三省交界处② point of time which joins affairs关头:an important juncture in history历史的重要关头
disjunctive [dis-=not不;junct=to connect 连接;-ive a.=having the quality有……性质的→“not connecting不连接的”→] a.① tending to separate分离的:disjunctive element分离因素② disjoining the sense, or making an adverse sense when uniting sentences转折的:disjunctive conjunction转折连词
injunction [in-=in入;junct=to join连;-ion n.=the act表行为→“the act of joining in or butting in legally合法的牵连进去或介入”→] n. act of ordering authoritaively命令,指令:an injunction against strikes禁止罢工的命令
▽injunctive [in-;junct;-ive a.] a.命令的;指令的
adjunct [ad-=to于;junct=to join连接→“being joined to a main body被连接在主体上”→]Ⅰa. subordinate;secondary附属的;次要的:an adjunct phrase附加语→Ⅱn. things joined or added, but subordinate附属物,附属品:The chain is an adjunct to the watch.表链是挂表的附属品。
junction [junct=to connect连接;-ion n.=the state表状态→“the state of connecting连接的状态”→] n. place where lines or routes connect or cross线路的接合点;交叉点:the junction of two highways两条公路的交会点
subjunctive [sub-=under在……之下;junct=to join连接;-ive a.=having the quality有……性质的→“joining under a certrain condition连接在某种条件之下的”→] a. joining to a sentence, expressing condition, hypothesis, possibility虚拟的(添在句子上用以表示条件、假设、可能的):subjunctive mood虚拟语气
adjoin [ad-=to于;join=to join连接→“to join to与……相连”→] v. be next to and often connected with贴近;毗连:Our school adjoins the fields.我们的校园与农田相连。
rejoin [re-=again再;join v.连接→] v. join again after being separated重新连接:to rejoin the severed arm断臂再植
subjoin [sub-=under在……之下;join=to join连接→“to join under连在下面,添加上去”→] v. add at the end or afterwards增补;附加:to subjoin a postscript to a letter在信末加上附言