1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① consecutive a.连贯的→inconsecutive a.
② consequent a.符合逻辑的→inconsequent a.
③ consequential a.重大的→inconsequential a.
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① consequence a.结果;后果
② subsequence b.随后(发生的事)
③ execution c.执行;处死刑
④ persecution d.起诉;告发
⑤ prosecution e.虐待;迫害
4. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① executioner n.死刑执行人,刽子手
② sequela n.后患,后遗症
③ sequacious a.顺从的,盲从的;合乎逻辑的
④ self-consequence n.妄自尊大
⑤ obsequious a.奉承的;顺从的
5. [节外生枝] sequ还有一个异形根sue,以下是主要的派生词。
① sue v.控告,起诉;请求
② ensue v.接着发生;接着而来;结果是
③ pursue v.追赶;追捕;追随;追求
pursuance n.追赶;追求;实行;从事
pursuant a.追赶的;追求的
84. sid, sess [L]=to sit坐
在常用词president,reside,session和possess中,有一对同源异形根sid和sess。sid来自拉丁动词sidere的不定式词干,sess来自动名词词干,其意思相当于to sit(坐)或to settle(安放)。
preside [pre-=before前;sid=to sit坐;-e→“to sit before others坐在其他人前面”→] v. sit in authority;act as chairman主持;作会议主席:to preside at a meeting 主持会议
▽presider [presid(e);-er n.] n.(会议的)主席;主持者
presidium [presid(e);-ium n.] n.主席团;常务委员会
president [presid(e) v.主持,当权;-ent n.=person人→] n. person chosen to preside over a nation, university or any other organization总统;大学校长;会长;社长等
▽presidency [pre-;sid;-ency n.] n.总统等的职位或任期
presidential [president;-ial a.] a.总统(或校长等)的
reside [re-=back, down回,下;sid=to sit or settle坐,安放;-e→“to sit backward, to settle down靠背安坐,安顿下来”→] v. make one's home at a place安家,居住:to reside in the city在城市居住
▽resident [resid(e);-ent n.] n.居民
residence [resid(e);-ence n.] n.居住;住宅
subside [sub-=under, down下;sid=to sit or settle坐,停留;-e→“to settle down停在下面,停息”→] v.① sink down下沉;沉降:The building subsides gradually.这座房子逐渐下沉。② fall into a state of quiet平息:The wind has subsided.风停了。
▽subsidence [subsid(e);-ence n.] n.下降;沉降;平息
dissident [dis-=apart分开;sid=to sit坐;-ent n.=person人→“person who sits apart from others 与别人分开坐的人”→] n. person openly disagreeing with an opinion; dissenter 持异议者;反对者:political dissidents持不同政见者
▽dissidence [dis-;sid;-ence n.] n.异议;不一致
assiduous [as-(ad-)=to, at面向;sid=to sit坐;-u-;-ous a.=having the quality有……性质的→“having the ability to sit at a place to work能面壁而坐坚持工作的”→] a. constant or unwearied in application;diligent刻苦的;勤奋的:He is assiduous in his study.他学习勤奋。
▽assiduity [as-;sid;-u-;-ity n.] n.刻苦;勤奋
insidious [in-=in内;sid =to sit坐;-i-;-ous a.=like像……的→“like sitting in a hidden place, like setting an ambush像坐在暗处的,像打埋伏的”→] a.① intended to entrap伺机为害的:insidious diseases暗疾② deceptive;treacherous暗中为害的;阴险的:an insidious tempter阴险的诱惑者
▽insidiousness [insidious;-ness n.] n.阴险;狡诈
session [sess=to sit坐;-ion n.=the act or state表行为或状态→] n.① act of sitting坐;就座② sitting, or time of sitting, as of a court or public body开会;开庭;会期;开庭期:plenary session全体会议
▽sessional [session;-al a.] a.开会的;开庭的
possess [pos(来自potis)=able能……的;sess=to sit坐→“to be able to sit in a place能坐在一个位置上”→] v.① inhabit, or occupy居住于;占据②have or hold as property;own具有;占有:He possessed landed property.他拥有地产。③ maintain, or control保持;控制:She was possessed by the desire to be rich.她被发财的欲望所支配。
▽possessor [possess;-or n.] n.占有人;所有人
possession [possess;-ion n.] n.占有;占有物;财产;领地
possessive [possess;-ive a.] a.占有的 n. [语法]所有格
assess [as-(ad-)=to, at在;sess=to sit坐→“(judges in a court)to sit at or sit by(法官等在法庭)就座”→“to judge or estimate作判断,估计”→] v.① fix the value or profits of对……进行估价:His property is assessed at one million dollars.他的财产估价为100万元。② decide the amount of (a tax )征收(税款):to assess a tax of ten pounds征税10镑
▽assessment [assess;-ment n.] n.估价;评价
assessor [assess;-or n.] n.估价财产的人;确定税款的人
assessable [assess;-able a.] a.可估价的;可征税的