1. [词海垂钓]从词典中“钓”出一串同根词吧。
① e-(ex-)
② tra-(trans-)
③ retro-
2. [由此及彼]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
① convertible a.可变换的→inconvertible a.
② reversible a.可逆的→irreversible a.
③ advertent a.注意的→inadvertent a.
3. [同义相连]将左栏中的单词和右栏中相对应的词义连接起来。
① reconversion a.堕落;反常
② subverter b.再转变;恢复原状
③ diversification c.颠倒;倒退
④ reversal d.颠覆者
⑤ version e.翻译;译本
⑥ perversity f.多样化;多种经营
4. [举一反三]根据已知单词的词义推断出其同根词的词义。
A. introvert v.使内向;使内翻→① introverted a.
→② introversion n.
→③ introversible a.
B. conversation n.会话;交谈→① conversational a.
→② conversationally ad.
→③ conversationalist n.
C. adverse a.敌对的;不利的→① adversary n.
→② adversity n.
→③ adversely ad.
D. advertise v.作广告;登广告→① advertiser n.
→② advertisement n.
→③ advertising a.
5. [寻根问底]指出下列单词的词根并领会其词义的由来。
① contravert v.辩论;反驳
controversy n.争论;论战
② conversant a.熟悉的;精通的
conversance n.熟悉;精通
③ verse n.诗句;诗
versify v.作诗
versification n.作诗法;诗体
④ versatile a.多方面的;多才多艺的
⑤ obvert v.换个面观看(事物)
obverse n.相互对应面;正面 a.正面的
⑥ verso n.(书的)左页;(书的)封底
⑦ vertical a.垂直的 n.垂直线;垂直面
⑧ vertebra n.脊椎
vertebrate n.脊椎动物 a.有脊椎的
⑨ convertiplane n.平直两用飞机
⑩ invertase n. [生化]转化酶,蔗糖酶
97. vid, vis [L]=to see看见
在常用词evident,provide,divide,television和visit中,vid和vis是一对同源根。vid来自拉丁动词videre,其意思是to see(看见),vis是它的动名词词干。
evident [e-(ex-)=out出;vid=to see看;-ent a.=-ing……的→“seeing out看得出的”→] a. easily seen or recognized;clear显而易见的;明白的:It is evident that you have made much progress.显然你已经取得很大的进步。
▽evidence [e-;vid;-ence n.] n.明显;明白;证据
evidential [evident;-i-;-al a.] a.证据的;证明的
self-evident [self-;evident a.] a.不证自明的
provide [pro-=beforehand事先;vid=to see看;-e→“to see beforehand事先预见到”→] v.① prepare or supply beforehand预备;供给:to provide the food 供应食物 ② supply with necessary things for life;support提供生计;赡养:to provide for five children赡养五个孩子
▽provider [provid(e);-er n.] n.供应者;家庭的供养人
provision [pro-;vis;-ion n.] n.供应;供应品;预备
divide [di-(dis-)=apart分开;vid=to see看见;-e→“to see apart分开来看”→] v.① separate into parts划分:to divide a class into four groups把一个班级分成四组 ② share分配:Let's divide the job.我们分工一下吧。
▽dividend [divid(e);-end n.] n.被除数
divisor [di-;vis;-or n.] n.除数
division [di-;vis;-ion n.] n.分开;划分;分配
divisible [di-;vis;-ible a.] a.可分的;可除尽的
provident [pro-=beforehand事先;vid=to see看见;-ent a.=-ing……的→] a. seeing beforehand and providing for the future;prudent有远见的;远虑的:provident statesmen有远见的政治家
▽providence [pro-;vid;-ence n.] n.远见;[大写]天意;上帝
providential [provident;-i-;-al a.] a.上帝的;天意的
television [tele-=far远;vis=to see看;-ion n.=the manner表行为方式→“the way of seeing at a distance在远距离收看的方法”→] n. the method of sending images over a distance by electrical waves 电视:television program电视节目
▽televise [television的逆构词:tele-;vis;-e] v.电视播送
televisor [tele-;vis;-or n.] n.电视广播员
televisual [tele-;vis;-u-;-al a.] a.电视的;适于拍电视的
visit [visit(来自videre的反复动词形式visitare)=to go to see去看→]Ⅰv. go to see;pay a call upon参观;访问:to visit a school参观学校→Ⅱ n. visiting参观;访问:to pay a visit to an exhibition参观展览会
▽visitor [visit v.;-or n.] n.参观者;游客;访问者;来宾
visitation [visit v.;-ation n.] n.访问;探望;视察;巡视
advise [ad-=to到;vis=to see看;-e→“to see to, or to notice看到,注意”→] v.① give notice to;inform通知;告知:I have advised her that the visitors are coming.我已经通知她客人要来了。② give counsel or opinion to劝告:I advised him to wait until the proper time.我劝他等到合适的时期再干。
▽advisable [advis(e);-able a.] a.可取的;贤明的
advice [ad-;vic (=vis);-e] n.劝告;忠告;通知;消息
revise [re-=again再;vis =to see 看;-e→“to see again so as to avoid errors再看一次以免错误”→] v. examine and correct校订;修正:to revise a book校订一本书
▽reviser/revisor [revis(e);-er/or n.] n.修订者;校对员
revision [revis(e);-ion n.] n.修订;修正;修订本;修订版
supervise [super-=over在……之上;vis=to see看;-e→] v. see or keep watch over监督;管理:The foremen supervised the workers.工头监管工人。
▽supervisor [supervis(e);-or n.] n.监督人;管理人
supervision [supervis(e);-ion n.] n.监督;管理
vision [vis=to see看;-ion n.=the act or result表行为或结果→“the act or result of seeing看的行为或结果”→] n.① sense of sight视觉;视力:to wears glasses to improve vision戴眼镜矫正视力② insight or imagi-nation眼光;想象力:a man of vision有眼光的人③ something seen in the mind's eye幻见或梦见之物:He had a vision of owning a ranch.他梦见自己拥有一个大农场。
▽visional [vision;-al a.] a.梦幻的;非实有的
visible [vis=to see看;-ible a.=capable of可……的→] a.① capable of being seen看得见的:The star is visible to the naked eyes.那颗星用肉眼可以看到。② evident明显的:The object seems to serve no visible purpose.这东西好像没什么用处。
▽visibility [visib(le);-ility n.] n.可见性;能见度