1.belief - n. 信仰,信念
例句:Her strong belief in God gave her the courage to face difficulties. (她对上帝的坚定信仰给了她面对困难的勇气。)
2.burst - vi., n. 爆发,突然发生
例句:The crowd burst into cheers when the team scored a goal. (当球队进球时,人群爆发出欢呼声。)
3.consume - v. 消耗,花费
例句:Each year, Americans consume a large amount of energy. (每年,美国人都消耗大量的能源。)
4.design - n., v. 设计,绘制
例句:She is a talented designer who creates beautiful clothes. (她是一位才华横溢的设计师,创作出漂亮的衣服。)
5.economy - n. 经济
例句:The global economy is expected to recover slowly in the coming years. (未来几年,全球经济预计将缓慢复苏。)
6.fashion - n. 时尚,流行
例句:She is always dressed in the latest fashion. (她总是穿着最新的时尚服装。)
7.graduate - n., v. 毕业生,毕业
例句:She graduated from college last year and got a job in a big company. (她去年大学毕业,并在一家大公司找到了工作。)
8.hospital - n. 医院
例句:The hospital provides excellent medical care to its patients. (这家医院为病人提供优质的医疗服务。)
9.independent - a. 独立的
例句:She is an independent woman who lives on her own. (她是一个独立的女性,自己生活。)
10.journal - n. 日记,杂志
例句:She enjoys keeping a journal to record her daily life. (她喜欢写日记来记录她的日常生活。)
11.knowledge - n. 知识
例句:Gaining knowledge is the key to success. (获得知识是成功的关键。)
12.library - n. 图书馆
例句:The library is a great place to find information for research. (图书馆是查找研究资料的好地方。)
13.manage - v. 管理,经营
例句:She manages a small business and works very hard. (她经营一家小企业,工作非常努力。)
14.nature - n. 自然,天性
例句:She loves spending time in nature, walking in the woods. (她喜欢在大自然中度过时间,在树林里散步。)
15.opportunity - n. 机会
例句:She seized the opportunity to travel to Europe. (她抓住了去欧洲旅行的机会。)
16.patient - n. 病人
例句(n.):The doctor treated several patients in the morning. (医生上午治疗了几位病人。)
17.quality - n. 质量,品质
例句:The company is known for its high-quality products. (这家公司以其高质量的产品而闻名。)
18.receive - v. 收到,接受
例句:She received a letter from her friend yesterday. (她昨天收到了朋友的信。)
19.society - n. 社会
例句:Society is changing rapidly these days. (当今社会正在迅速变化。)
20.technology - n. 技术
例句:Technology has revolutionized the