教程:英语四级词汇  浏览:26  
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    1. Machine - n.机器,机械,机动车辆,机构

    例句:This machine is designed to manufacture automobile parts. (这台机器是用来制造汽车零部件的。)

    2. Mad - a.发疯的,恼火的

    例句:He went mad when he heard the bad news. (当他听到坏消息时,他发疯了。)

    3. Madam - n.女士,夫人

    例句:Madam, may I help you with your luggage? (夫人,需要我帮您拿行李吗?)

    4. Magazine - n.杂志,期刊

    例句:I like to read magazines during my free time. (我喜欢在空闲时间阅读杂志。)

    5. Main - n., a.主要部分(n.);主要的,重要的(a.)

    例句:The main goal of the project is to improve efficiency. (项目的主要目标是提高效率。)

    6. Make - vt.制造,支配,使成为

    例句:She made a delicious cake for her son's birthday. (她为儿子的生日做了一个美味的蛋糕。)

    7. Man - n.男人,人类,人;丈夫,雇工

    例句:The man is walking his dog in the park. (这个男人正在公园里遛狗。)

    8. Manage - vi., vt.处理,应付过去(vi.);管理,掌握,操纵(vt.)

    例句:She managed to finish the project on time. (她设法按时完成了项目。)

    9. Manager - n.经理,管理人员

    例句:The manager is responsible for overseeing the daily operations. (经理负责监督日常运营。)

    10. Many - n., a., pron.多数,群众(n.);很多的(a.);很多人,很多(pron.)

    例句:Many people attended the concert last night. (昨晚很多人参加了音乐会。)

    11. Map - n., v.地图(n.);绘制地图(v.)

    例句:I need a map to find my way to the museum. (我需要一张地图来找到去博物馆的路。)

    12. March - n., vi., vt.行军,步伐;进行曲(n.);进军,前进(vi.);使行军,使行进(vt.)

    例句:The soldiers marched in formation. (士兵们排成队形前进。)

    13. Mark - n., vt.记号,斑点(n.);标明(vt.)

    例句:Please mark your name on the paper. (请在纸上标上你的名字。)

    14. Master - n., a., vt.主人,雇主;(男)老师,娴熟技工(n.);主人的,娴熟的(a.);制服,掌握,精通(vt.)

    例句:He has mastered the art of painting. (他精通绘画艺术。)

    15. Match - n., v.火柴;角逐,竞赛(n.);相配,相称(v.)

    例句:The two teams will match against each other next week. (这两支队伍将在下周进行比赛。)

    16. May - modal v.可以,也许,祝愿(用于请求许可或表达可能性、祝愿)

    例句:May I use your pen? (我可以用你的笔吗?)

    17. Measure - n., vt.尺寸,度量单位(n.);测量,衡量(vt.)

    例句:We need to measure the length of the room before buying furniture. (在购买家具之前,我们需要测量房间的长度。)

    18. Medicine - n.药,内服药,医学

    例句:She needs to take medicine regularly for her cold. (她需要定期吃药治疗感冒。)

    19. Memory - n.记忆,记忆力,回忆

    例句:The old photo brought back many happy memories. (这张老照片唤起了许多快乐的回忆。)

    20. Method - n.方法,办法

    例句:She found an effective method to study for the exam. (她找到了一个有效的考试复习方法。)


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