1.wage vt. 开展(运动)
例句:The government is waging a campaign against corruption.(政府正在开展一场反腐败运动。)
2.wander vi. 漫游;迷路;离题
例句:She wandered aimlessly through the city streets.(她漫无目的地在城市街道上漫游。)
3.want vt. 要;n. 需要;缺乏
例句:I want to buy a new book.(我想买一本新书。)
4.warmth n. 暖和,温暖;热烈
例句:The warmth of the sun felt good on my skin.(太阳照在我皮肤上感觉很温暖。)
5.waterproof a. 不透水的,防水的
例句:I need a waterproof jacket for the rainy season.(雨季我需要一件防水夹克。)
6.wave n. 波;波涛;vi. 波动
例句:The waves were crashing against the shore.(海浪拍打着海岸。)
7.wax n. 蜡,蜂蜡
例句:She used wax to polish her wooden furniture.(她用蜡来擦亮她的木制家具。)
8.weakness n. 虚弱,软弱;弱点
例句:One of his weaknesses is his lack of confidence.(他的弱点之一是缺乏自信。)
9.wear vt. 穿着,戴;磨损
例句:She wears a red dress to the party.(她穿着红色连衣裙去参加聚会。)
10.weave vt. 织,编;vi. 纺织
例句:The woman weaves beautiful cloth on her loom.(那位妇女在她的织布机上织出美丽的布匹。)
11.weed n. 杂草,野草;vi. 除草
例句:He spent the morning weeding the garden.(他花了整个上午的时间在花园里除草。)
12.welfare n. 幸福,福利
例句:The government is committed to improving the welfare of its citizens.(政府致力于改善公民的福利。)
13.wheel n. 轮,车轮
例句:The car has four wheels.(这辆车有四个车轮。)
14.whisper vt. 低声地讲;vi. 低语
例句:She whispered a secret in his ear.(她在他耳边低声说了一个秘密。)
15.whistle n. 口哨;vi. 吹口哨
例句:He whistled a tune as he walked down the street.(他走在街上时吹着口哨。)
16.widen vt. 加宽;vi. 变宽
例句:The road has been widened to accommodate more traffic.(这条路已经加宽以容纳更多车辆。)
17.willing a. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
例句:She is willing to help anytime.(她随时都愿意帮忙。)
18.wind vt. 绕,缠绕;vi. 卷曲
例句:She wound the yarn around the knitting needle.(她把纱线缠绕在编织针上。)
19.wire n. 金属线;电缆;电信
例句:The telephone line is made of copper wire.(电话线是用铜线制成的。)
20.worthwhile a. 值得花时间的
例句:It's worthwhile to invest time in learning a new language.(花时间学习一门新语言是值得的。)