A) The air is polluted. B) The people there are terrible.
C) It’s too windy. D) The beaches are dirty.
Tape script:
W: The place I’ve heard about is Los Angeles. The climate is pretty good. Year-round swimming. How do you like it?
M: Well, the beaches are beautiful. But the people there are terribly annoyed by the dirty air. I mean, the combination of fog, smoke and automobile exhaust. There is not enough wind to blow it away.
Q: What does the man think of Los Angeles?
A) He went to mountain climbing with us last year.
B) He hasn’t traveled around the world yet.
C) He’s always wanted to climb that mountain.
D) He definitely does not want to go.
Tape script:
W: Would you like to go mountain-climbing with us?
M: That is the last thing in the world I would ever do.
Q: What does the man mean?
三. 表达认同的题型
A) She has done half of it already.
B) She agrees that it is very long.
C) They have all the semester to do it.
D) There’s nothing wrong with it.
Tape script:
M: This is the longest assignment we’ve had all the semester.
W: You’re telling me. We’ll be lucky if we can do half of it.
Q: What does the woman say about the assignment?
四. 含义不太肯定的是答案
请看例题 1:
A) The woman should wait to buy new clothes.
B) The cold weather will probably continue.
C) The weather will warm up soon.
D) He already has a warm coat.
Tape script:
W: If this weather holds, I’m going to have to buy a warmer coat.
M: Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you know.
Q: What does the man mean?
A) Most neighbors are as noisy as the woman’s
B) He’d like to know why the woman is angry.
C) The woman is too polite to her neighbors.
D) Talking to the neighbors courteously might be the best solution.
Tape script:
W: I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for all.
M: I see why you are angry. But I’ve always found that the polite way is the most effective.
Q: What does the man mean?
五. 在答案中出现“suggest”一词的是正确答案。
A) She doesn’t feel that now is the right time.
B) She wonders if they really need to do it.
C) She’s writing her seminar presentation now.
D) She’s suggesting that they talk immediately.
Tape script:
M: Do we need to get together to plan our seminar?
W: Is there anything wrong with right now?
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) She wonders which one he means.
B) She thinks that few people have applied for it.
C) She asks if it is safe.
D) She suggests that the man at least tries for it.
Tape script:
M: I haven’t got a chance in the world of getting that job.
W: What could be the harm if at least applying for it?
Q: What does the woman say about the job?
六. 答案中具体的内容不是答案,概括性的内容是正确答案。
A) He wrote it last semester.
B) He’ll finish it in a few minutes.
C) He never does assignments early.
D) He isn’t going to write it.
Tape script:
W: Bill, have you finished the research paper for anthropology?
M: Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute.
Q: What did the man mean?
A) She doesn’t understand how Judy got her job.
B) She’s surprised Judy is working in management.
C) She thinks Judy never should have taken a computer course.
D) She wonders how Judy does so many things.
Tape script::
M: Judy’s taking seventeen credits and working in the computer center, too.
W: How she manages to handle all that! I’ll never understand.
Q: What does the woman mean?
七. 答案中含有“主语+BE动词+表语”形成系表结构的是答案。
A) The man should buy a vacuum cleaner.
B) The man’s parents are eager to see their son.
C) The man’s parents should come at another time.
D) The man’s apartment is dirty.
Tape script:
M: My parents are coming to see our apartment this weekend.
W: Looks as if I’d better lend you my vacuum cleaner then.
Q: What does the woman imply?
A) She’s never been treated by Dr. Smith.
B) She’s been sitting in the waiting room too long.
C) Dr. Smith isn’t a good choice.
D) She’d like to recommend a magazine to the man.
Tape script:
M: I need to find a dermatologist. You’re familiar with Dr. Smith, do you recommend her?
W: Well, I’ve been seen by her a few times. And the best I can say for her is she has interesting magazines in her waiting room.
Q: What does the woman imply?
八. 答案中含有“some, someone., somebody, someone else, some time, something”
A) There aren’t many posters to choose from.
B) She wants the man to see the poster she bought.
C) They promised to meet her brother at the shop.
D) They must buy something for her brother.
Tape script:
M: I’ve had enough of the museum. Why don’t we skip the gift shop?
W: Look, we promised my brother a poster so we haven’t much choice.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) Go to a movie. B)Work in the library. C)Visit a museum D)Spend some time outdoors.
Tape script:
M: it’s much too beautiful a day to waster indoors.
W: You are right. Let’s make the most of it.
Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?
九. 含有“抽象含义”的答案是正确选项。
请看例题 1:
A) The effects of the flood B) The heroic fight against a flood.
C) The cause of the flood. D) Floods of the past twenty years.
Tape script:
M: This has been the worst flood for the past 20 years. It has caused much damage and destruction.
W: Look at the price of fruits and vegetables. No wonder they are expensive.
Q: What are they talking about?
请看例题 2:
A)Families with cars. B) American’s heavy dependence on cars.
C) Roads and highways. D) Traffic problems in America.
Tape script:
W: You Americans are funny! It seems as if you were married to your cars.
M: Yeah, I guess that’s true. The country is becoming one big highway. I was reading that there are about 4 million miles of roads and highways in the country now.
Q: What are they talking about?
B) 项是答案.
十. 含“意料之外”的答案是正确的。
请看例题 1:
A) The library no longer had the book on reserve.
B) The homework assignment wasn’t clear.
C) The professor had chosen a mystery book for him instead.
D) The library closed earlier than he’d expected.
Tape script:
W: Were you able to use the book Dr. Brown put on reserve for our homework?
M: No, I wasn’t. It’s a mystery to me why the library closed early.
Q: What does the man mean?
D) 项是正确答案。
请看例题 2:
A) His teeth hurt him very much.
B) He has no time for meals.
C) He decided to take the course next semester instead.
D) He finds the work harder than he expected.
Tape script:
M: Everybody said this astronomy course would be so easy.
W: But it hasn’t quite worked out that way, has it?
Q: What does the woman think about the course?
D) 项含有“harder than he expected” 字样,因此是正确答案。
A)He went to the administration building to change a class.
B)He had a ten o’clock meeting with an administrator.
C)He went to his computer class instead of the administration building.
D)He attended a morning session of the computer class.
Tape script:
W: Didn’t I see you going into the administration building this afternoon?
M: I needed to switch my computer class to ten o’clock session.
Q: What does the man mean?
A) 项是正确答案。
A) Delivery of the parts has been delayed.
B) She doesn’t know whether the parts have arrived.
C) She will reorder the parts.
D) The man should help carry the parts.
Tape script:
M: Have the parts we need for the copier arrived yet?
W: I ordered them last week, but something’s holding them up.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) 项是正确答案。
A) To run into each other.
B) To get bargains.
C) To avoid the crowds.
D) To join the crowds.
Tape script:
M: This is a pleasant surprise. It seems to me we ran into each other here last week, too.
W: You and I must have the same idea. The only way to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they open at 9:00 o’clock sharp!
A) He thinks his boss is terrible.
B) He thinks his boss is cunning.
C) He thinks his boss is frank.
D) He thinks his boss makes a lot of mistakes.
Tape script:
W: What do you think of your new boss, John?
M: Well, he is full of praise when you do well. But when you make a mistake, you’d better watch out.
Q: What’s John’s opinion of his boss?
A) They were both doing their own work.
B) They waited for each other at different places.
C) They went to the street corner at different times.
D) The man went to the corner but the woman didn’t.
Tape script:
W: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the corner.
M: Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.
Q: Why didn’t they meet that evening?
B)、C)为形近项,但C)项中的“the street corner”已出现在录音中,听到的不是答案,因而,B)项是正确答案。
A) Peter is going to fly to New York.
B) Peter is going to fly to Iran next week.
C) Peter went to Iran next week.
D) Peter will stay in New York.
Tape script:
W: I met Peter last week in New York. He doesn’t know when he is leaving the country.
M: Oh, he knows now. he called me yesterday and said that he is leaving for Iran next week.
Q: What news did the woman hear from the man?
A)、B)为形近项,但A)项中的“New York”已出现在录音中,听到的不是答案,因而,B)项是正确答案。