331. Soon afterward, the Federal government drastically cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later abolished them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation.
译文 很快,联邦政府就彻底地切断了用于此类目的的开销,后来直接取消了这项开支,这导致了营业中的托儿所数量锐减。
点睛 这句话的主干是:...the Federal government...cut down its expenditures and...abolished them...。后面的causing...是一个结果状语。drastically意为“大大地;激烈地”;for this purpose意为“为了……的目的”;a sharp drop意为“急剧下降,暴跌”。
考点归纳 与cut相关的短语:
cut down(to/on)意为“削减,减少”。如:
My doctor advises me to cut down on sugar. 我的医生建议我减少对糖分的摄取。
cut across意为“抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断”;cut corners意为“抄近路;以简便方法做事”。如:
The designer refused to cut corners. 那个设计者拒绝偷工减料走捷径。
cut it out意为“停止;省省吧;闭嘴”;cut the crap意为“废话少说;别废话”。如:
Can't you just cut the crap? 你就不能少说废话吗?
cut out for意为“适合于;与……相配合”。如:
She is cut out for an artist. 她天生是当艺术家的料。