教程:六级词汇  浏览:22  发布:2024-06-29
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    make use of 利用,使用

    be used to ['ju:stu] 习惯于

    think of 考虑;记得;认为

    in that 既然;因为

    and all that 诸如此类

    keep on good terms 保持友好关系

    put to the test 使受试验,使受检验

    think out 彻底地想一想

    think up 发明;设计出

    keep terms with sb. 同某人交往

    over there 在那里(指较远处)

    used to [ju:st t2u] (过去)经常

    in use 在使用着

    there and then 当时当地

    think through 思考…直到得出结论

    be very useful at 精通

    be up against 面临(困难等)

    no more than 仅仅,只是

    no other than 除…外没有;只有

    no thanks to 并非由于

    stand the test 经受住考验

    make terms 达成协议

    on second thoughts 经重新考虑后

    think better of 对…有更高的评价

    think of...as 把…看作是,以为…是

    think over 仔细考虑

    think twice 重新考虑

    up and doing 活泼,敏捷;忙碌

    up to 直到;从事于;轮到

    come into use 开始被使用

    put to use 使用,利用

    use up 用完,耗尽;花完

    as usual 像往常一样,照例

    be useful to 对…有益

    throw about 到处扔;转向航行

    take thought for 对…担心;对…挂念

    be thick with 充满;与(某人)很亲密

    that is 就是说;即(略为i.e)

    at that 就那样,就这样;而且


      上一篇:2024年6月英语六级词汇短语整理(33) 下一篇:2024年6月英语六级词汇短语整理(35)

