Student A: Hi, Tom. I've been struggling with calculus lately. Do you have any tips to make it easier?
学生A: 嗨,汤姆。我最近一直在为微积分发愁。你有什么建议能让它变得简单点吗?
Student B: Sure, Lily. First of all, understanding the basics is crucial. Have you brushed up on your limits and derivatives?
学生B: 当然,莉莉。首先,理解基础非常重要。你复习过极限和导数了吗?
Student A: Yeah, I think so, but applying them to complex problems seems daunting.
学生A: 是的,我觉得是这样,但是把它们应用到复杂问题上看起来很让人畏惧。
Student B: Well, practice makes perfect. Try working through as many examples as you can find. Pay attention to patterns and tricks.
学生B: 嗯,熟能生巧。试着尽可能多地做例题。注意模式和技巧。
Student A: That sounds reasonable. Should I also use online resources or tutors?
学生A: 听起来很合理。我也应该使用在线资源或找家教吗?
Student B: Definitely! There are plenty of free online videos and forums that explain concepts clearly. And if you need personalized help, a tutor can be really beneficial.
学生B: 绝对应该!网上有很多免费的视频和论坛,可以清楚地解释概念。如果你需要个性化的帮助,家教会很有用。
Student A: I'll give them a try. What about forming study groups?
学生A: 我会试试的。那么组建学习小组怎么样?
Student B: Great idea! Discussing problems with peers often helps clarify concepts. Plus, it keeps you motivated.
学生B: 好主意!和同龄人讨论问题经常有助于理清概念。而且,它还能让你保持动力。
Student A: Thanks for the advice, Tom. I'll definitely put them into practice.
学生A: 谢谢你的建议,汤姆。我一定会付诸实践的。
Student B: No problem, Lily. Good luck with your studies!
学生B: 没问题,莉莉。祝你学习顺利!
calculus (n.) 微积分:高等数学的一个分支,研究函数、极限、导数等。
crucial (adj.) 至关重要的:表示某事物对于成功或结果具有决定性作用。
brush up on 复习,温习:指重新学习或巩固已经学过的知识。
daunting (adj.) 令人畏惧的,艰巨的:描述某项任务或挑战看起来很难以应对。
practice makes perfect 熟能生巧:常用谚语,表示通过不断的练习可以提高技能。
pattern (n.) 模式,规律:指事物中反复出现的规律或特征。
trick (n.) 技巧,窍门:指解决问题或完成任务时采用的有效方法。
personalized help 个性化帮助:指针对个人需求提供的帮助或指导。
peer (n.) 同龄人,同辈:指年龄、地位或经验相近的人。
clarify (v.) 澄清,阐明:指使复杂或模糊的概念变得清晰易懂。
motivated (adj.) 有动力的,有积极性的:指有愿望或决心去做某事的状态。