Alice: Hi, Tom! Have you heard about the upcoming company team building activity?
爱丽丝: 嗨,汤姆!你听说即将举行的公司团建活动了吗?
Tom: Yeah, I got the email this morning. It's a weekend getaway to a lakeside resort, sounds exciting!
汤姆: 是的,我早上收到邮件了。是去湖边度假村的周末出游,听起来很激动人心!
Alice: Absolutely! I'm looking forward to it. It's a great opportunity to bond with colleagues outside the office environment.
爱丽丝: 没错!我很期待。这是一个很好的机会,可以在办公室环境之外与同事们增进关系。
Tom: Agreed. I think the outdoor activities like hiking and boating will be fun. Plus, the evening barbecue sounds delicious.
汤姆: 同意。我觉得像徒步和划船这样的户外活动会很有趣。而且,晚上的烧烤听起来也很美味。
Alice: Yeah, the organizer mentioned there'll be a talent show too. I'm thinking of performing a short comedy sketch.
爱丽丝: 是的,组织者还提到会有才艺展示。我正在考虑表演一个短喜剧小品。
Tom: That's cool! You always know how to entertain. Count me in for some group karaoke maybe?
汤姆: 太棒了!你总是知道怎么娱乐大家。也许我可以加入一些合唱卡拉OK?
Alice: Of course, the more the merrier! We should definitely collaborate on something.
爱丽丝: 当然,人越多越热闹!我们应该合作搞点事情。
Tom: Sounds like a plan. I'll start practicing my vocals then. See you there, Alice!
汤姆: 听起来是个不错的计划。那我开始练习我的歌喉了。活动见,爱丽丝!
Alice: See you, Tom! Let's make this team building unforgettable.
爱丽丝: 活动见,汤姆!让我们把这次团建活动变成难忘的回忆。
team building activity:团建活动,指为了增强团队凝聚力而组织的活动。
weekend getaway:周末出游,指周末期间短暂的旅行或休闲活动。
lakeside resort:湖边度假村,指位于湖泊边的度假胜地。
bond with:与...建立联系或关系。
talent show:才艺展示,指人们展示自己的特殊才能或技能的活动。
comedy sketch:喜剧小品,一种简短的、幽默的戏剧表演形式。