Passenger (P): Good evening, is this taxi available?
乘客(P): 晚上好,这辆出租车空车吗?
Driver (D): Yes, it is. Where are you headed to?
司机(D): 是的,空车。您要去哪里?
Passenger (P): I'm going to the International Convention Center for a business meeting.
乘客(P): 我要去国际会议中心参加一个商务会议。
Driver (D):Alright, that's about a 20-minute drive from here. Would you like to take the expressway for a quicker route?
司机(D): 好的,从这儿过去大约20分钟车程。您想走高速快点到吗?
Passenger (P): Yes, please. That would be great.
乘客(P): 好的,请走高速,那太好了。
Driver (D): Sure thing. Do you need the receipt for your company?
司机(D): 没问题。您需要发票给公司报销吗?
Passenger (P): Yes, please provide me with a taxi receipt.
乘客(P): 是的,请给我一张出租车发票。
Driver (D):(Pulls out the receipt) Here you go. Would you mind turning off your phone's data or switching to airplane mode? The signal in the car can sometimes be a bit unstable.
司机(D): (拿出发票)给您。您介意关掉手机数据或切换到飞行模式吗?车里的信号有时不太稳定。
Passenger (P): Oh, I didn't realize that. Sure, I'll do it right now.
乘客(P): 哦,我没注意到。好的,我现在就关。
Driver (D):Thank you. We should be there in no time.
司机(D): 谢谢。我们很快就到了。
International Convention Center:国际会议中心,常用于举办大型会议、展览等活动。
Airplane Mode:飞行模式,手机功能之一,开启后关闭所有无线信号,包括移动网络、Wi-Fi、蓝牙等,常用于飞机等需要关闭通讯设备的场合。