A: Hey, Lily, have you heard about the new café that just opened downtown?
A: 嘿,莉莉,你听说市中心新开的那家咖啡馆了吗?
B: Oh, really? I haven't been there yet. What's it like?
B: 哦,真的吗?我还没去过呢。它怎么样?
A: It's pretty cozy, with a minimalist design and great ambiance.
A: 它很舒适,设计简约,氛围很棒。
B: That sounds awesome. Do they have a good selection of coffee?
B: 听起来真不错。他们有好的咖啡选择吗?
A: Absolutely! They have a variety of artisanal coffees and even some unique blends.
A: 当然有!他们有各种各样的手工咖啡,甚至还有一些独特的混合口味。
B: Wow, I'm definitely intrigued. Maybe we could go there together sometime?
B: 哇,我确实很感兴趣。也许我们什么时候可以一起去那里?
A: That sounds like a plan! How about this weekend?
A: 听起来是个好主意!这个周末怎么样?
B: This weekend works for me. What time should we meet?
B: 这个周末我可以。我们什么时候见面?
A: How about 10 AM? We can grab some breakfast there first.
A: 上午10点怎么样?我们可以先在那里吃点早餐。
Cozy - 舒适的
Minimalist - 极简主义的
Ambiance - 氛围
Artisanal - 手工的
Blend - 混合
Intrigued - 感到好奇的
Grab - 匆忙地吃(食物)