【今日推荐阅读】 Wearing a light blue wetsuit that matches the colour of the sea will make you less likely to become the victim of a shark attack, according to researchers. Sharks are completelycolour-blind and only see things clearly if they are mostly light or dark, scientists have claimed. In a breakthrough that could prove hugely beneficial to divers navigating shark-filled waters, scientists found that the predator - like dolphins, seals and whales - is unable to distinguish between colours. Costumes or wetsuits that camouflage swimmers' bodies in the sea water are less likely to draw a shark's attention than ones with bright, solid colours than emphasise their outline. Professor Nathan Hart, from the University of Western Australia, said: 'It’s the high contrast against the water rather than the colour itself which is probably attractive to sharks. 'So you should wear perhaps more muted colours or colours that match the background in the water better.' The researchers examined the eyes of dead sharks and found they had only one type of photoreceptor in the retina, indicating they could only see in monochrome. The U.S. Navy has conducted tests that suggested sharks were able to see yellow most clearly. The tests had been to see what would be the best colour for the lifejackets that pilots wear in case they have to eject and splash down in the ocean. Professor Hart said it was more the high contrast of yellow, not the colour itself, that would increase thevisibility for sharks. He said: 'It may be possible to design swimming attire and surf craft that have a lower visual contrast to sharks and are therefore less attractive to them.' The study by researchers at the University of Western Australia and the University of Queensland, is to be published in the German nature journal Naturwissenschaften (Science of Nature). 【内容简介】 本文开篇边介绍了鲨鱼是“色盲”这一研究发现,接着又介绍说明海豚、鲸鱼等其它海中巨兽也是色盲,由此专家提出建议穿何种颜色泳衣可避免被攻击。 文章同时也介绍了鲨鱼最能感知的是黄色这一发现并阐明了原因。最后文章讲述了这一发现对海底救生船及救生衣设计的作用。 【词汇短语讲解】 ①beneficial to 有利于,有益于 ②in case 以防,万一,后接从句。 in case of 若某事发生,加入,后接名词或名词短语。 如:In case that it rains, we should take an umbrella. In case of rain, we should take an umbrella. 以防下雨,我们应该带把伞。 ③draw one's attention=catch one's attention 引起……的注意 ④solid color 单色,纯色 muted color 中性色 ⑤be attractive to 对……有吸引力的 【快速阅读支招】 这类介绍性文章不长,但经常会有一些专业词汇,比如这一篇就有关于海洋和光学类词汇。我们在阅读理解过程中要把重心放在核心句上,比如研究的结果、研究的过程及研究的意义,这类信息比较容易考到。考场上时间较紧,对于一堆不认识的专业词汇过于较真可能会浪费很多时间,在不影响整体理解的前提下我们可以猜词语意思,猜不出来就把握好句子主体意思。