教程:英语四级阅读  浏览:365  
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    每一道题都是原文信息的再现或转述,只要找准关键词才能准确定位到原文的段落中。关键词多为:a. 名词或名词短语,这类词是题目和文章谈论的对象,同义替换的可能性较小,是比较可靠的定位关键词,如样题中第46题中的American universities, global careers, internship 都可以在原文中直接找到;b.数字,如数量、年份等,这类词同义替换的可能性非常小,是较理想的定位关键词,如样题中第47题中的3.9 percent, 是原文信息的再现;c. 专有名词,如人名、地名、机构名、特殊物质等,这类词几乎没有同义替换或转述的可能性,是非常理想的定位关键词,如样题中第55题中的Danah Boyd就是一个专有名词,可以在原文中直接找到。


    例:Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains in information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.


    46. According to a 2009 study, people who did a lot of media multitasking made more fault on the test.

    解析:定位于C段第2句:But a 2009 study found that when extraneous(与正题无关的) information was presented, participants who (on the basis of their answers to a study questionnaire) did a lot of media multitasking performed worse on a test than those who don’t do much media multitasking.

    47. In order to help his son get more sleep, the author forbids his son to use electronic devices after 9:30 p.m.

    解析:定位于I段第2、3句:I’ve set some rules that are designed to aid his social and cognitive development: no Facebook during school, and no electronic devices after 9:30 p.m. The latter prohibition is designed to help him get more sleep, which, according to some studies, is when our brains prune connections among neurons. Preserving and speeding up the ones that matter and flushing out the ones that don’t.

    48. The saturated media universe may have weakened our top-down focus.

    解析:定位于D段第二句:We obviously need both for survival, whether in the wilds of prehistory or while crossing a street today, but our saturated(饱和的) media universe has perhaps privileged the latter form and is wiring our kids’ brains differently.

    49. 8 to 18 years old children spend about 11 hours using media per day if each content stream is counted separately.

    解析:定位于B段第3、4句:A Kaiser Family Foundation report released last year found that on average, children ages 8 to 18 spend 7 hours and 38 min. a day using entertainment media. And if you count each content stream separately- a lot kids, for example, text while watching TV—they are logging almost 11 hours of media usage a day.

    50. According to Stone, adolescents may do better than their parent generation on learning how to prioritize tasks.

    解析:定位于G段:Stone has observed something similar in technology use among adolescents:….. Perhaps this is a sign that our kids will be better than we are at learning how to prioritize tasks—something that will come in handy when they become workers and spouses and parents.

    51. Focused learners can do high-level thinking and may get well-paying jobs more probably.

    解析:定位于E段:Multitaskers’ reliance on rote habit would be all well and good if we want our offspring to work on assembly lines, but to do the kind of high-level thinking that experts agree will be key to getting well-paying jobs, we’d better exercise our collective hippocampus.

    52. Multiple interruptions during kids’ sleep time may lead to trouble on their cognition and body the next day.

    解析:定位于I段:Even if kids get 9 to 10 hours of sleep but sustain multiple interruptions—from, say, a buzzing iPhone next to the pillow—they will suffer cognitively and feel tired the next day.

    53. What the author worries about is that his kids’ online activity may have bad effect on their brains.

    解析:定位于A段倒数第2句:What I worry about, as a sociobiologist, is not what my kids are doing on the Internet but what all this connectivity is doing to their brains.

    54. According to UCLA scientists, the focusers and the multitaskers rely on different parts of their brain in learning.

    解析:定位于E段第2句:In 2006, UCLA scientists showed that multitaskers and focused learners deploy(调动)different parts of the brain when they learn the same thing.

    55. According to Danah Boyd, the hyperprotective way parents behave is the real reason for kids’ continuous partial attention.

    解析:定位于F段第1句:Some technology observers, like Danah Boyd, a fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, claim that social media are getting a bum rap(不公正的对待) and that the real problem lies in the hyperprotective way we parent today.

      上一篇:2014年12月英语四级冲刺精讲-长篇阅读(一) 下一篇:2014年12月英语四级冲刺精讲-长篇阅读汇总


