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      War ren Buffett The Wor ld’s Greatest Investor

      The most powerful businessperson in America famously understated about his station in life. Sure, Warren Buffett enjoys some of the trappings that come from being the second- richest man in the world, such as winging around in one of his Netjets and playing bridge with pal Bill Gates. Mostly, though, the 72-year-old brushed aside1 the notion that he is the Atlas2 of American business.“It really just means that if I do something dumb3, I can do it on a very big scale , ”he chuckles,“ It means you could add a lot of zeros to the losses. ”

      There haven’t been many of the latter. Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, has become an all-American juggernaut4, with multibillions-dollar interests in everything from insurance —where Buffett is one of the world’s leading players — to newspapers, carpets, and boots. In racking up compound annual returns of 21% over the past 15 years ( vs. the market’s 11%) , Buffett has proved himself the world’s greatest investor. As such, his influence on stocks and the market is unparalleled. Word that Buffett is buying or selling certain shares will move a stock like a pinball, which is why he is extra-guarded when it comes to discussing investments.

      One of the few places where he does talk about investment — his annual letter to shareholders — is far and away the most widely read communication from a CEO in the world. When former Chinese President Jiang Zemin discussed the mystifying nature of the U. S. stock market with a visiting Bill Gates, Gates told him that there was really only one guy who understood it: Warren Buffett. Gates added that when he got back to the U. S., he would send Buffett’s most recent annual report to him. Which he did.

      What’s more, Buffett is without question the world’s most sought-after businessman by other CEOs who want guidance. “ CEOs are surrounded by people who are getting paid, ”says Buffett.“I’m getting nothing, so I can give them unbiased advice . ”Over the past five years dozens of CEOs have come to Omaha to visit the sage, including General Electric’s Jeff Immelt.“ I’ve been there two or three times to speak with him and have a steak, ”says Immelt.“He ’s the world’s most astute investor and I’m trying to pick his brain . ”

      The U. S. Congress hangs on5 Buffett’s words too. On May 20, 2003, just days be017 fore lawmakers voted on Bush tax bill, Buffett wrote an op-ed6 piece in the Washington Post that pointed out what he perceived as the folly of eliminating taxes on dividends. The tax cut, Buffett argued, would mostly benefit the wealthy. Powerful stuff coming from Buffett — powerful enough to persuade certain members of Congress to water down7 the final version of the tax cut. Quietly simply, Buffett is respected and admired more than any other businessperson alive, not only by others in business but by the general public as well. Now that’s power.



      Ⅰ. Complete th e se ntences with ph ra ses from the a bove pa ssa ge :

      1. He my objection to his plan.

      2. She ’s the best actress I’ve seen.

      3. A great deal this decision.

      Ⅱ. True o r Fa lse :

      1. Warrant Buffet is the richest man in the world.

      2. Warrant Buffet is regarded as the only one person who can understand the stock mark.

      3. Warrant Buffet even influenced the Congress.



      Ⅰ. 1. brushed aside 2 . far and away 3 . hangs on

      Ⅱ. 1. F 2. T 3 . T




      美 国重量级的商人在生活中都是出了名地低调。当然, 沃伦· 巴菲特倒能自得其乐地做他的世界第二富人, 比如说开着自己的喷气式飞机到处闲逛, 与老朋友比尔· 盖茨打桥牌。大多数时候, 这位72 岁的老人全然不顾自己是美国商界的顶梁柱。“ 这不过意味着我要是干了什么蠢事儿, 就会殃及一大片。”他咯咯地笑着说, “ 那样损失的数额后面会再添许多零。”

      当然, 这种事情很少发生。巴菲特的公司——— 伯克希尔· 哈萨维是全美的巨头, 收益达到数亿美元, 涉足从保险( 他是世界主要玩家之一) 到报纸、地毯、靴子等各个行业。过去十五年, 巴菲特的综合年利润率高达21% ( 市场为11% ) , 他不愧是世界最伟大的投资家。因此, 他对股票和市场的影响也是无人能及的。有关巴菲特买卖某个股的消息会引起该股票价格上下波动。因此, 谈论投资时, 他极为谨慎。

      写给股东的年信是少数几个他谈论投资的地方之一。在全世界高级执行官的书信中,这封无疑是最为人们广泛阅读的。中国前国家主席江泽民与来访的比尔· 盖茨谈及美国股票市场的神秘莫测时, 盖茨告诉江主席只有一个人——— 沃伦· 巴菲特, 真正了解股票市场 。盖茨补充说他一回到美国, 就会把巴菲特最新的年度报告给江主席。他确实这样做了。

      巴菲特无疑还是其他高级执行官趋之若鹜的顾问。“ 高级执行官身边都是花钱请的人, ”巴菲特说,“ 而我什么也不要, 因此我能给他们不偏不倚的建议。” 五年来, 到奥马哈朝拜这位圣人的高级执行官络绎不绝, 其中包括通用电器公司的杰弗· 伊梅尔特。“ 我和他交谈了两三次, 吃了牛排, ”他说, “ 他是世界上最敏锐的投资家, 我正想‘ 窃取’一些他的智慧。”

      连美国国会对巴菲特的话也洗耳恭听。2003 年5 月20 日, 就在立法者为布什减税议案投票前几天, 巴菲特给华盛邮报写了一篇专稿, 指出取消利息税是完全错误的, 他认为此举主要使富人受益。巴菲特的文章深刻有力, 足以说服某些议员们否决减税议案。简而言之, 巴菲特比其他在世商人更受到商界同仁以及公众的尊敬和爱戴。这就是力量。



      沃伦·巴菲特可谓当今世界上最成功、最著名的投资大师。他从小就满肚子挣钱的“ 道儿”———他五岁的时候就在家中摆地摊兜售口香糖; 稍大后他带领小伙伴到球场捡用过的高尔夫球然后转手倒卖, 生意颇为红火; 11 岁时, 他便投身股海, 购买了第一张股票。看来,“ 三岁看小, 七岁看老”这话是有些道理的。每个人都有其擅长的地方和不擅长的方面, 在哪方面有天赋, 我们就应该往哪方面努力,“ 全面发展”有的时候会不会使人成为庸才呢?



      1. brush aside 不顾, 不理, 漠视, 如: brush a proposal ( protest, demand) aside ( 对建议、抗议、要求等置之不理) 。此外, brush 还有“排除”的意思, 如: brush all obstacles aside ( 清除一切障碍) 。

      2. Atlas n. 阿特拉斯, 希腊的神, ( 喻) 身负重担的人。

      3. 这里的dumb 不是“ 哑的, 沉默”的意思, 而是作俚语, 意为“笨蛋”。

      4. juggernaut n. 世界主宰, 偶像崇拜。

      5. hang on 在这里的意思是“ 取决于, 有赖于, 仔细考虑”。

      6. op-ed 是Opposite Editorial page 的缩写, 指“ ( 美国报纸的) 专栏版, 写稿版”。

      7. water v. 向⋯⋯掺水。它与down 连用可引申为“ 削弱, 使打折扣, 使缓和” 意思。

      上一篇:英语四级阅读理解精炼50篇04:水:粮食安全之源(含答案) 下一篇:英语四级阅读理解精炼50篇06:J. K. 罗琳女士的成名之路(含答案)


