289. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns.
点睛本句的主干是what is a program。what your association is backing为主语从句;which引导的是program的定语从句,其中while作连词,表示前后的对比关系;with just handguns为状语。
My parents backed me in my choice of career. 我的父母支持我的职业选择。
She backed against the wall, terrified. 她退到墙边,惊恐万分。
The programme of economic reform is backed by foreign aid. 经济改革方案得到了外资援助。
Back the picture with strong cardboard. 用结实的硬纸板作这幅画的背衬。
The sunny spot is backed by a wall. 这块阳光充足的地方后面有一堵墙。