Text 3
The close relationship between poetry and music scarcely needs to be argued. Both are aural modes which employ rhythm, rime, and pitch as major devices; to these the one adds linguistic meaning, connotation, and various traditional figures, and the other can add, at least in theory, all of these plus harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration techniques. In English the two are closely bound historically. Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry seems certainly to have been read or chanted to a harpist's accompaniment; the verb used in Beowulf for such a performance, the Finn episode, is singan, to sing, and the noun gyd, song. A major source of the lyric tradition in English poetry is the songs of the troubadours.
The distance between the gyd in Beowulf and the songs of Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan may seem great, but is one of time rather than aesthetics. The lyric poem as a literary work and the lyrics of a popular song are both still essentially the same thing: poetry. Whether the title of the work be Gerontion, or Hound Dog, our criteria for evaluating the work must remain the same.
The most important prerequisite for both a significant poem and significant lyrics in a popular song is that the writer be faithful to his own personal vision or to the vision of the poem he is writing. Skill and craft for writing poetry are indeed necessary because these are the only means by which a poet can preserve the integrity of this vision in the poem. A poet must not, either because of lack of skill or because of worship of popularity, wealth, or critical acclaim, go outside of his own or his own poem's vision — on pain of writing only the derivative or the trivial. Historically, the writers and singers of the lyrics of popular songs have seemed often to be incapable of personal vision, and to have confused both originality and morality with a servile compliance to popular taste.
1.According to the writer, the relationship between poetry and music_______.
A.is a debatable topic B.can be made but in a limited way
C.is indisputable if you analyse history D.needs to be acknowledged more by poets
2.The author cites Beowulf in order to show that_______.
A.the distance between song and poetry is not so great
B.a song like Beowulf can sound like a poem
C.English poetry is highly connected to songs
D.songs generally evolve into poetry over time
3.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
A.The lyrics of a song are no different from the lyrics of poetry.
B.Song lyrics and poetry must be treated analytically as the same.
C.The differences between poetry and song lyrics have been overstated.
D.It is the time not the aesthetics that is different in most poems and song lyrics.
4.A poem or a song can be significant when_______.
A.it is done by a faithful writer
B.the writer has a personal vision of the poem or song
C.it is written within the vision of the poem, song, poet or songwriter
D.the writer is willing to go outside of the vision
5.In the passage, the author focuses on_______.
A.the shared, most important evaluation criteria in songwriting and poetry
B.the various ways songs and poems are similar
C.the difference between good poetry and songs and mediocre ones
D.how to evaluate a poem and a song's value from a lyrical standpoint
[长难例句]The most important prerequisite for both a significant poem and significant lyrics in a popular song is that the writer be faithful to his own personal vision or to the vision of the poem he is writing.
[结构分析]本句中, The most important prerequisite作主语,介词for引导的介宾短语作定语,修饰主语。that引导的是表语从句。he is writing作定语从句,修饰poem。
《贝奥武夫》中的gyd和Leonard Cohen或者Bob Dylan的歌曲之间或许差异巨大,但只是时代的差别,而不是美学的差别。作为文学作品的抒情诗和流行歌曲的歌词实质上仍然是一回事:诗歌。不管作品题目是《小老头》还是《猎犬》,我们评价作品的尺度必须始终如一。
A.是一个有争议的话题 B.可以在一个有限的范围内建立
C.通过分析历史可知是无可争议的 D.需要诗人们更多地认可
A.歌曲和诗之间的差距并不是很大 B.《贝奥武夫》之类的歌听起来像诗
C.英国诗歌与歌曲联系紧密 D.随着时间的推移,歌曲发展成为诗