280. If, for example, you are getting hit with overdraft fees, you need to establish a barrier that you absolutely will not dip below (even if it means paying a bill late).
译文 举例来说,如果你即将透支,你必须建立一个不会透支的屏障(即使那会延误你支付账单的时间)。
点睛 本句的主干是...you need...。第一个if引导的是条件状语从句;不定式短语to establish a barrier...a bill late作need的宾语,其中,that引导的定语从句that you absolutely will not dip below修饰barrier,括号内even if引导的是该定语从句的让步状语从句。
The horse took the barrier easily. 那匹马轻松地越过了障碍。
He has a huge overdraft to pay off. 他有一大笔透支额要偿还。
The sun dipped below the western sea. 太阳慢慢沉入西边的大海里。
考点归纳 与overdraft类似的组合词还有:
overdo v. 做得过分,过度 overdose n. 配药量过多,过量
overdraw vt. 透支;拉过度 overcook vt. 煮过度
overstate v. 夸大叙述,夸张 overdate v. 加盖新日期于
overload v. 使超载,给……增加负担 overdemand n. 需求过剩
overcurious adj. 过于好奇的 overdependent adj. 过于依赖的
overcrowded adj. 过度拥挤的 overlive vt. 活得比……长