教程:六级阅读  浏览:20  
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    Environmental protection has become a global issue of concern in recent years. With the rapid development of industry and technology, human beings are facing more and more serious environmental problems, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, and the loss of biodiversity. These issues are not only affecting the quality of life but also threatening the survival of our planet.
    Governments around the world have taken measures to address these problems. For instance, many countries have implemented strict environmental regulations and penalties for violators. There is also a growing awareness among people that every individual plays a crucial role in protecting the environment. People are encouraged to reduce waste, conserve energy, and use sustainable products.
    Moreover, businesses and corporations are increasingly incorporating environmental protection into their operations. Many companies are investing in clean energy and sustainable technologies to reduce their carbon emissions. Additionally, they are promoting eco-friendly practices among their employees and customers.
    However, despite these efforts, the environmental situation remains challenging. The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly severe, and natural disasters are occurring more frequently. This highlights the urgency of taking further actions to protect our environment.
    To achieve sustainable development, we need to work together as a global community. Everyone, from governments to individuals, needs to play their part in protecting our planet. Only by taking concerted actions can we ensure a healthy and sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.
    1.What are the major issues facing environmental protection?
    A. Energy shortage
    B. Food crisis
    C. Environmental pollution and biodiversity loss
    D. Global economic recession
    2.What measures have governments taken to address environmental issues?
    A. Ignore environmental problems
    B. Encourage people to increase waste
    C. Implement strict environmental regulations and penalties
    D. Ban all industrial activities
    3.What efforts have businesses made in environmental protection?
    A. Ignore environmental protection
    B. Increase carbon emissions
    C. Invest in clean energy and sustainable technologies
    D. Encourage employees to waste resources
    4.What is the reason why the environmental situation remains challenging, according to the passage?
    A. People's increasing awareness of environmental protection
    B. The efforts of governments and businesses
    C. The increasingly severe impact of climate change
    D. The decrease in natural disasters
    5.What do we need to do to achieve sustainable development?
    A. Act individually
    B. Ignore environmental issues
    C. Work together as a global community
    D. Stop all economic activities
    解析:第二段提到“Governments around the world have taken measures to address these problems. For instance, many countries have implemented strict environmental regulations and penalties for violators.”,即政府已经采取措施来解决这些问题,包括实施严格的环境法规和处罚措施。
    解析:第三段提到“Moreover, businesses and corporations are increasingly incorporating environmental protection into their operations. Many companies are investing in clean energy and sustainable technologies to reduce their carbon emissions.”,即企业在环境保护方面的努力包括投资清洁能源和可持续技术以减少碳排放。
    解析:第四段提到“However, despite these efforts, the environmental situation remains challenging. The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly severe, and natural disasters are occurring more frequently.”,即尽管有这些努力,但环境状况仍然面临挑战,因为气候变化的影响日益严重。
    解析:最后一段提到“To achieve sustainable development, we need to work together as a global community.”,即为了实现可持续发展,我们需要作为全球社区共同努力。
      上一篇:大学英语六级阅读练习:飓风的影响因素 下一篇:大学英语六级阅读练习:全球变暖

