31. John is easy to deceive.
32. The question is hard to answer.
33. This house was difficult to find.
34. Decaying food is not good to eat.
35. These shoes are not fit to wear.
36. It is too hot to eat.
37. There are a number of problems to deal with.
38. There is a lot of work to do.
39. The next thing to consider is food.
1. The flowers need watering.
2. These boxes want repairing.
3. His suggestion is worth considering.
4. Paris is worth visiting.
5. She is beyond my control.
6. The matter is under consideration.
7. The building is under construction.
8. That textbook is no longer in use.
9. John is on trial for murder.因谋杀受审。
10. The method has come into use.
11. The robbery did not come into light until the next day.
12. The party came into existence in 1854.
1. Hitler’s complete defeat brought the war to an end.
2. The boy’s punishment was a fine.罚款。
3. After his release from prison, he came home.
4. They all came to our aid.来帮我们。
5. The planes came to our rescue.来援救我们。
6. We are grateful to them for coming to our support.来支持我们。
7. They came to my defense.来为我辩护。
8. I am to blame.我该受责备。
9. Nobody is to blame for it.这是谁也不怪。
10. A better way is yet to seek.还得找一种更好的办法。
1. I’m too old for this job.
2. She is too beautiful for words.
3. It’s too good to last.
4. It’s too good to be true.
注:But, all, only 用于too前,是加强语气。如:
I will be only too pleased to help you.
They are but too glad to do so.
We are all satisfied to see it.
This is too good a film to miss.
5. She is the last person to accept a bribe.受贿。
6. As ifI cared! 我才不在乎呢!
7. As ifanyone would believe that story! 没人信那一套!
8. As if she would do it! 她才不会做那事呢!
9. He is anything but a hero.它根本不是英雄。
10. He’s anything but polite.她一点礼貌也没有。
11. That is more than I can do.我干不了。
12. This is more than I can bear.我忍无可忍了。
13. You speak faster than I can follow.
14. He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。
15. He is more shy than unsocial.与其说他孤僻不如说他腼腆。
16. The book is more a dictionary than a grammar.这本书是字典而不是语法
17. He run rather than walked.他与其说是在走不如说是在跑。
比较级+than+to do
18. I’m wiser than to believe that.我很明智,绝不会相信这种事。
19. You have better command of French than to make such mistakes.你法语那么好,决不该犯这种错误。
20. I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我宁愿走去也不坐车。
21. She prefers city to the countryside.她喜欢城里而不是乡下。
22. I would rather die than surrender.我宁死也不投降。
23. His taste is quite other than mine.他的品味和我的完全不同。
24. The truth is quite other than what you think.事实真相与你想的完全不同。
25. She arrived before I expected.我没料到她来这么早。
26. Before I could say thanks, he had left.我还没来得及说谢谢,他就走了。
few and little在句中:
27. Few of them are any good.他们没几个好人。
28. Few people live to be 100.很少有人活到100岁。
29. I know little German.我不太懂德语。
30. There is little time left.没剩下多少时间了。