Chinese Fans
During the late Qing Dynasty, a large number ofChinese fans exquisitely carved and gorgeouslypainted were produced in Canton (now called Guangdong). These fans later were in good graces ofwestern merchants. After they were shipped to Europe and America, they became fashionableaccessories for noblewomen. The materials used to make Chinese fans were mostly exquisitelycarved ivory, pearls and shells and lacquer. These Chinese fans showed many figures ofMandarins and their consorts. Mysterious oriental sentiment as they presented, each lady inupper-middle class family at that time owned a Chinese fan to show off her wealth and nobility.
1.雕刻精美、描绘华丽:“精美”可译为exquisitely; “华丽”可译为gorgeously;这两个词都不常用,也可以用beautifully一词表达。
2.被…青睐:可译为 find favour in one's eyes 或 be ingood graces of,属固定表达。
5.清朝官员:可直译为Qin officials。但在英语中也可以用Mandarin来表示旧中国的官员。
7.情调:指“情感体验”,可译为sentiment或者sentimental tone。