Dream Culture
Dream culture is an important part of ancientChinese culture. Besides the household “ZhuangZhou's Dreaming of Becoming a Butterfly”,there aremany old tales about dreams in China. Dreaminterpreting is also popular in China, and the most famous book for dream interpreting iscalled Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams. Different dreams have different meanings, and ancientpeople considered dreams as the implication from God. People believe that dreams can implyauspicious and inauspicious things, so they often interpret their dreams according to Dukeof Zhou Interprets Dreams to get implications of auspiciousness or inauspiciousness.
1.庄周梦蝶:可译为Zhuang Zhou's Dreaming of Becoming a Butterfly。庄 周梦蝶是庄子通过对梦中变化为蝴蝶和梦醒后蝴蝶复化为己的事件的描述与探讨,提出了人不可能确切地区分真实与虚幻和生死物化的观点。
2.家喻户晓的:可译为household, famous或者well-known。
3.解梦:可译为dream interpreting。