教程:英语四级翻译  浏览:1755  
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    It is often said that if you are in Beijing, there are essentially two things that you must do; one is to climb the Great Wall, and the other is to eat Peking Duck. Once confined to the kitchens of the palace, the legendary Peking Duck is now served at thousands of restaurants around Beijing, as well as around the world. The origin of the Peking Duck dates back to the Ming Dynasty, about 600 years ago. Cooks from all over China travelled to the capital Beijing to cook for the Emperor. It was a prestigious occupation as only the best chefs could enter the palace kitchens. With the eventual fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911, court chefs who left the Forbidden City set up restaurants around Beijing and brought the Peking Duck and other delicious dishes to the masses.

      上一篇:2017年12月英语四级试题之翻译真题及译文:华山 下一篇:「绿宝书」英语四级汉译英小短文:华夏文明

