35. 景泰蓝
Cloisonné is an ancient technique for decorating metal objects. The resulting objects can also be called cloisonné. The decoration is formed by first adding compartments to the metal object by soldering or sticking silver or gold threads placed on their edges. These gold or silver threads remain visible in the finished piece, separating the different compartments of the enamel or inlays, which are often of several colors. The technique remains common in China to the present day.
景泰蓝(Cloisonné)是一种古老的装饰金属物品的工艺。采用这项工艺生产出的物品也可以称为景泰蓝。装饰效果是这样形成的:首先要通过焊接(solder)或粘贴工艺用银线或金线给金属物件勾边,以将其分隔为几个小块。这些金银线在成品上依然能看到,它们将瓷釉或镶嵌物(enamel or inlays)的不同部分分隔开来,通常这些瓷釉或镶嵌物会有多种颜色。这项工艺至今在中国仍然很常见。