京剧(Peking Opera)已有200多年的历史,是中国的国剧。与其他地方戏相比,京剧享有更高的声誉,但其实京剧融合了多种地方戏的元素。京剧演员的脸谱(facial makeup)和戏服都很精美,相形之下布景则显得十分简单。京剧表演者主要应用四种技能:唱、念、做、打。在古代,京剧大多是在户外演出的,因此演员们形成了一种极具穿透力的唱腔,以便每个人都能听到。
Peking Opera
Peking Opera, as the national opera of China, has a history of more than 200 years. Compared with other Chinese local operas, Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation; but actually it absorbs many elements of other local operas. The facial makeups and costumes of the performers are usually very delicate;by contrast, the backdrops are quite plain. During the performance, the performers mainly utilize four skills: singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting. In ancient times, Peking Opera was mostly performed in the open air, so the performers developed a piercing style of singing that could be heard by everyone.
1.享有更高的声誉:应翻译为enjoy a higher reputation。
3.相形之下:译为短语by contrast。这类表示逻辑关系的表达易成为采分点,不要遗漏。
5.唱、念、做、打:要对京剧的这四种技能有所了解,不然很容易翻译错误,京剧中,唱指歌唱;念指具有音乐性的念白;做指舞蹈化的形体动作;打指武打和翻跌的技艺;故“唱、念、做、打”即可译为singing,speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting。
6.在户外:有固定表达in the open air。
7.形成了一种极具穿透力的唱腔:“形成”这里指逐步形成,故译为 develop,而不用shape或form。“具穿透力的”译为piercing; “唱腔” 即“歌唱的风格”,译为style of singing。