102 橡胶会“让步”吗?
原 文:
Rubber easily gives way to pressure.
原 译:
辨 析:
原译“橡胶向压力让步”听上去有点滑稽。give way to不一定都要或都可以译做“给……让步 / 路”。Neither party was willing to give way to the other. 译成“双方都不愿向对方让步”,John gave way to the old lady and let her pass first. 译成“约翰给那位老太太让路,让她先过去”,两句译文都很自然; The boss didn't give way to the workers' demands for higher wages尚可译为“老板不肯让步,不同意工人们提高工资的要求”(“向……的要求让步”就不怎么自然了), 而Don't give way to your fears. 只能(也只需)译成“别害怕”。所以翻译时要灵活掌握,不能千篇一律,以不变对万变, 目的是用自然的语言译出原文的意思。“橡胶”面对“压力”怎么个“让步”法呢?当然是变形。所以原句应译成:橡胶受压容易变形。
Mrs. Rogers gave way to her husband in buying that new car. 罗杰斯太太只好听任他丈夫买了那辆新车。
Seeing her friend taken away, the girl gave way to tears. 看到朋友被带走,姑娘忍不住哭了起来。
He likes to give way to display even though he is not rich at all.其实他一点也不富有,但却喜欢讲排场。
其实give本身就有这个含义,如:The tree branch gave but didn't break under heavy pressure of snow.树枝在雪的重压下垂了下来,但没有断。