188 是“开始”数吗?
原 文:
Sure I can't begin to count the number of theTV sets in the town.
原 译:
辨 析:
His statement does not begin to be comprehensive. 他的说法一点也不全面。
I can't begin to understand him. 我一点也/根本/完全不懂他的话。
He couldn't begin to compete with that large firm. 他根本无法同那家大公司竞争。
Your offer can't begin to meet our demand. 贵方的提议/开价和我们的要求差得太远。
He is not in the least interested. 他一点儿也不感到有趣。
I don't care a farthing. 我根本不在乎。(farthing是旧时一种小面值硬币。)
It's awfully oppressive today; there is not a breath of wind. 今天真闷,一丝儿风都没有。
There is not a word of news. 一丁点儿消息也没有。
People didn't see a dime's worth of difference between the two candidates. 人们看不出来这两个候选人之间有任何哪怕细小的差别。
He didn't seem to like the toy by a jugful. 看来他一点也不喜欢那个新玩具。
I'll answer for it; he never cared three straws about her. 我敢发誓,他一点儿也没有把她放在心上。
There was not a single person in front of the gate. 大门口连一个人也没有。
—Why is a room full of married people very empty?
—Because there is not a single person in it.